How to look good naked...

You're welcome hun! :D
Just wanted to say I have Gok Wan's book (Mum got it as a birthday present) and its fantastic, he goes through loads of different body shapes and dressing to flatter each one - even gives advice on combining styles if you fall across more than one shape - eg curvy girls might also be 'cleavage divas' as he puts it! Would thoroughly recommend it to anyone!
I've only recently discovered this programme, but it's great :) I like the fact that it has people with real problems who need help (unlike some of the women that Trinny & Susannah used to makeover), and the fact that they're not afraid to show heavier women on the show, particularly during the "test the products" sections.

It's amazing what a bit of psychology and confidence can do for someone. Gok's the man! :king2:
Just to revive this thread - remember that the new series of How to Look Good Naked returns tonight, channel 4 9pm! I love Gok Wan!!
Oops - its actually on at 8pm but I'll be late home and watching it on channel 4 plus 1!