Hula Hoops!


Lover of Extra Easy
A friend of mine is getting a hula hoop as he has been told it's excellent exercise.
It's a blast from the past for me. I was a kiddie when they were the rage!
I am thinking about getting one.
Does anyone use one?
I've got one although I use the one on the Wii more now though!

Just a tip, the bigger they are (i.e wider diameter), the easier they are to use. Worth knowing if like me I was a nightmare when I tried to use a smaller one at the gym!
I've used the ones at school which are great and bought one for home from Tesco's which is far too light and complete rubbish.
If someone knows where to buy a decent one I'd love to know - I can't bring myself to steal from school and the hols are coming up.
I bought mine on ebay for a tenner some time ago. You should have seen the postman's face when he delivered it!