I am still bloody awake

CD vanilla ice-cream? Now there's a thought!

Maybe ... you could freeze half a vanilla shake pack and have half a chocolate pack thick and hot?

I can see an experiment coming on here ;)
I was actually thinking cornish clotted cream -but I think I need to banish those thoughts!!
I think there may be a teensy-weensy chance that cornish clotted cream might just hinder your CD fuelled progress!

Just stick to a frozen tetra and use your imagination - hard!! ;)
be gone clotted cream
luke you are doing so well
rd you r fab
over and out
im off to bed xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nite nite Nat - sweet dreams xx
ok so it's 5.14am I have had less than an hour and halfs sleep, I hve been wondering thehouse all night trying to find a place to sleep and nothing has worked, i have took 5 kalms to try and make me go to sleep, i am really tired now but still can't manage to go to sleep and the kids are going to be awake in less than 2 hours. Today is not going to be a good day! I just know it.