I have a question ?


Gold Member
My Sister came today who is doing slimming world & explained the plan different colours etc

My question is I don't eat fruit veg or salad so the super free food isn't an option for me call me fussy ( he he )

I'm curious as to weather the plan would actually work for me without this section of food involved as obviously it's about the healthy balancing etc
There isn't a meeting where I am
Until Monday so I'd appreciate any info .

I'm not sure i would actually loose weight ?
Any advice
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Don't you eat any fruit or veg? Where do you get your vitamins from?! Red and green do recommend the third superfree too - for the sake of your health and well-being as well as portion control.
Beegee said:
Don't you eat any fruit or veg? Where do you get your vitamins from?! Red and green do recommend the third superfree too - for the sake of your health and well-being as well as portion control.

None never have , hence why I think it wouldn't work for me x
jezzi999 said:
If you don't eat fruit veg or salad then you could not do Extra easy as 1/3 of these are essential with each meal and you'd be unlikely to lose without them - they fill you up and allow the rest of the diet to be as generous as it is.

You can do red or green days without though.

I thought you had to have the fruit & veg with every colour ? my sister is doing the extra easy which sounded fab but as its been said I don't think I'd loose anything that way .

Thankyou for the advice jezzi
Can you not even eat it if it's hidden in a sauce? Surely you've had a tomato sauce based dish before? You can hide any veg in a sauce! That's mostly where I get my 1/3 superfree in :)
jezzi999 said:
I would also add that your losses on any plan are likely to be slower than others in your group that do eat fruit/veg - not to put you off but to be realistic. As they are so low in cals and full of fibre they fill you up and you'd eat less of every thing else.

So whatever diet you chose you are likely to lose slower, and you may also find it difficult to keep the weight off.

Could you not use the start of the plan as a time to try new things and experiment a bit? There are quite a few people on here that have posted at the beginning saying they hate all veg, then started by pureeing it into things etc and slowing building up to actually enjoying it.

Thankyou for that I like the idea of puréed it into things .... Wouldn't notice as much at the minute iv been on slim and save which is vlcd with the protein & veg allowance which iv never had .
I guess this way suited me as the losses where quick and I liked what I ate iv been a bit of a yo yo dieter though but iv lost 2 stone and iv kept it off intend to keep it off too .

Realistically I do need to introduce new food groups into my diet as its pretty crappy Right now it would make life so much easier even to like a few things

Thanks again for the advice .
evilpenguin said:
Can you not even eat it if it's hidden in a sauce? Surely you've had a tomato sauce based dish before? You can hide any veg in a sauce! That's mostly where I get my 1/3 superfree in :)

I'm too fussy I don't have any sauce either but I suppose now is as good a time as any to start with veg fruit x
From what iv read the plan seems fantastic I just need to get to grips with the healthy bits and bobs and as you say introducing these foods .
jezzi999 said:
Here are some threads that might help on introducing fruit and veg


This one has some good advice http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world/278451-slimming-world-fussy-eater.html


Maybe have a look if some of the people that write in these threads that they've overcome the same problem have a food diary as that'd be a great place to start.

Thankyou I will have a look at that ;) Youv been very helpful thanks again. X
Not having fruit or vegetables at all may have serious repercussions for your health in the future. I know it is hard, but you should try to find a way of including them. When I was a child I wouldn't eat any vegetables unless they were raw, but it turned out that the reason I hated cooked vegetables was the way that everyone overcooked them in those days. When I discovered how they should be cooked, it made all the difference. (Still can't eat cooked peas, though!)

And what about your family? Do they eat them?
Quick question .... Do you like soup because if you do that could be a good start on your Veg journey also starting with sweet Veg such as carrot and peppers you could start out by introducing cooked pureed fruit some can be used as a hex B and mixing it into yog grated apple Is good mixed into yog and grated cucumber Is good in tatziki too

Blitzing up mushrooms and adding into mince and onion with a little water and a stock cube makes a good thick gravy too

Or add mashed carrot and swede or other Veg to mash to hide it

Hope these tips help