I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

Morning patsy have a good day , just going off to collect bike and peddle peddle peddle . X

Yvonne x
Good morning PP, another lovely day today :D
How did the weigh in go? It was last night right?
mariavon said:
Morning patsy have a good day , just going off to collect bike and peddle peddle peddle . X

Yvonne x

Change of plan due to no sunshine drizzly rain and foggy
Good morning PP, another lovely day today :D
Amazing day we're just not used to this much sun. :D

How did the weigh in go? It was last night right?
I lost a pound :D

Hope wi went well :D

Have a great day xxx
Twas OK I lost a pound. :D

Morning. Hope your ok. Have a good day. X
Thanks Tinks. You too. :D

Change of plan due to no sunshine drizzly rain and foggy
Can't believe you have rain. Hope it clears up soon. :D
1lb is good, a lb in the right direction :D
Thanks hun. As always I wanted more but am learning to be contented with a loss of any sort. :D

you'll get used to it. A loss is a loss no matter how small. It all adds up in the end. I have to tell myself that each week otherwise I would have given up ages ago :p
Oh and I missed your 1lb :eek: Well done PP, a pound is a good loss :D
oooo, i just looked at your signature and realised you have lost that 5.5 you put on in april :)
Well done on the loss x
Thnaks Yvonne. :D

Afternoon Patsy

Have a lovely sunny Wednesday
Thanks Kally. It makes being in the office such hard work though. :D

oooo, i just looked at your signature and realised you have lost that 5.5 you put on in april :)
Yeah and I could finally face altering my overall target up by a half pound too. I hadn't altered it for my gains cos to have it go back over 100 to lose would have been too depressing. ;) I can handle the half pound gain though. Especially as it's only gonna be there a week max. Hopefully :D:D:D
Well done PP. 1lb is more than okay - it's great! That's almost 4 stone over a year. I'd be thrilled to lose 1lb every week :)