
Full Member
I don't know what has happened but I have totally lost my Atkins motivation!!! I seem to be doing Atkins one day (or half a day) then binge on cakes and chocolates straight....I have now signed up for gym membership and PT (bloody expensive!!) and started a new job where most ppl are doing low carb-so I have Nooo excuses but I have lost all motivation..!!! Wth :-( can it be because I'm getting close to "the time of the month" I "only" have 10lbs to target but the way I am behaving it probably is steadily going up (haven't weighed myself for 2weeks....) has this eer happened to anyone else?? What did u do abt it??


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I try to use positive conditioning .. i.e. I TELL myself over and over "I do not want that cake because I have worked so hard and it will kick me out of ketosis" I just say it over and over again, have a glass of water and move on. So far ive not cracked once ... it has been hard, but whenever you fancy a binge of carbs remember how rotten you feel afterwards AND how crappy you feel while getting yourself back into ketosis! :) That is what I am going to remember if ever my stern talkings to stop working!
If you're coming up to TOTM the cravings can be bad.

Set yourself a goal. You're going to do it for 1 day. One whole day. When you've done that, set the next goal- two days in a row. Then three. If it helps, promise yourself a treat by the end of it. If you can keep it up for 2 weeks, you will probably find the cravings disappear.

Also, what I said to Spanglymum- try setting up an alarm or use a mindfulness app or website which plays a bell at certain intervals. It is to bring you back to the moment, interrupt your thought process and remember where you are and what you're doing. This can be a great way to remind yourself that you don't really want to eat that stuff, you're on autopilot or are being led by your feelings. Use the bell/alarm to take a moment to reflect on how you feel and what you're doing.

I find this post very motivating, maybe it will help you too: http://www.minimins.com/strugglers-restarters/84417-passage-time-will-you-use.html
tbh if i have these then i snack on Atkins friendly things! like cheese, or meat or omlette or anything like that! because usually it satisfies me because its all yummy food and not just crunching some celery! or sipping water like most diets! :) xxxx