i want....

we've all been there love.
That's a fact Cheryl - I go back on Monday and I know within an hour I'll feel like I've never been away :cry:
I quite like my work, am I the odd one out? I've never been out of work since I left Uni.
I've just realised since being off with my arm how easily I can fill my days lol (and that's with work stuff not lazy stuff!) Don't know how I am going to fit work back into my life on Monday! :confused: I love my job, just not the politics of it and the way it is run - it's down to money money money now :mad:
it's always money and politics Caz, no matter where you work.
I know Jim :cry: But we're a public service as well and it doesn't always sit right with me!
Oh I agree love, but that's life today.
Thanks. And i have to agree with Caz. Maybe after tomorrow changes that need to be made will be but i very much doubt it. Come on guys the government used tax payers money to bail out the banks and to get that money back what are they doing? Freezing public sector workers money! I was due an inflation pay rise and have had to wait 2yrs to get it. The police havent had the inflation rise they were promised either. And yet the banks go back to normal and earn their millions in bonuses. Fair......I think not!
Yes, and Brown has reneged on his promise not to peg the Army pension rise this year.
I cant stand that man and i dont care who knows but he is NOT getting my vote!
I've been doing these vote match surveys & keep being told I agree with the BNP!!! I'm not sure I agree with that!
Lol Linz, its probably coz you dont fit into the major 3 parties. I hope everyone is going to vote tomorrow?
Trouble is I just don't know who to vote for, they're all as bad as each other and they all LIE! :mad:
Any suggestions? :8855: xx