I will Win!!! My most successful diet yet...

Hi Lou.. How are you doing? I have been worried my skin feels a bit loose and saggy, and started loosing hair ...is this right? Not suprised at the skin thing, when you loose weight quickly that will happen i guess.

Day 25
Not doing too well! only lost 2lb this week but havent done too well since. Have eaten bits and pieces all week and ate a chocolate orange yesterday and a pizza today! Cant think why. Just feel so down in the dumps at the moment... had a chest infection and a cold and cant seem to stop thinking about eating normal food. Plus, dont know if its been the weather or what but I have been soooo cold all week all I've wanted to do is eat and sleep. Wish i could hibernate and sleep for about 2 months!!!
will try and get back into it tomorrow x x
Hi Chick,
Do not despair, your poorly, it happens to all of us from time to time. I think its our bodies needing some extra nurturing tbh. I`ve been same last few weeks battling a nasty cough and cold!! I have succumbed tonight to chips!!!! Been craving them for a few days and so Ive caved in!! But I`m not cross with myself, this diet is bloomin hard and if your on for a long time things like this will happen.... Just keep trying to get back on, never give up, thats the key. As regards your hair... Hmm, bit early yet for serious thinning out like me, maybe your just UBER noticing cos youve read that it happens?? Remember everyone loses hair anyway naturally, Skin yeah, just smother it with some nice creams/body butter, treat yourself hun and keep it moisturised and supple.
Don`t worry about this weeks weight loss ok, just go for it when your feeling better... XXX
Bad days happen to all of us! It's what you do after that's going to determine how well you do on this diet.

Don't beat yourself up just get back on it. Good luck xx