Ideal Flavour!

This thread is making me drool!! Mint choc chip shake, cream of tomato soup, creamy lemon shake. yuuuuuuuuummmmmmm!
I wish they made more tetra shake flavours...but if i could choose, a chocolate and peanut butter shake - some sort of beefy meaty soup - and a special powder you could mx into the shakes to turn it into steak and crispy chips, with salad and garlic bread lol !!
Spicy parsnip soup, hot and sour soup (a chinese one), carrot and coriander, tarka dhal......slobber!
I agree something meaty - cream of chicken - beef - lamb and mint sauce - i havent had anythin savoury for 5 weeks other than a couple of cups of boullion - can you tell lol
Im sure Bacardi and Coke would be a best seller. It would in my house anyway..........