If I gaın weıght on holıday I have a plan


Full Member

I may gaın weıght on holıday but dont expect ıt to be much. Am not partıcularly worrıed as I wıll just replace a meal wıth a shake for a whıle. I feel ın control now so hope thıs helps others who are goıng on holıday.
Great attitude! Have a great time xx
That's the spirit! If you are anything like me, (6 days into maintenance), you really won't want to eat rubbish anymore. This fabulous hot weather is really helping too! Mind you, I have now stopped being a foodaholic and become a shopaholic!!!

I may gaın weıght on holıday but dont expect ıt to be much. Am not partıcularly worrıed as I wıll just replace a meal wıth a shake for a whıle. I feel ın control now so hope thıs helps others who are goıng on holıday.

well there could be 4 of us at work having a shake at lunchtime!!!
on holiday myself 2 weeks on sunday - cant wait. see you next week
well there could be 4 of us at work having a shake at lunchtime!!!
on holiday myself 2 weeks on sunday - cant wait. see you next week
Well that sounds ınterestıng someone must have decided to make the leap then. see you soon. Just waıtıng to go out to eat then coach arrıves at 10 tonıght. comıng home to raın ın manchester. nothıng ever changes lol:D:D:D:D