If it's not making you smile, then it's really not worth while.

It's my wedding anniversary today...here's hoping no arguments happen...we are going out this evening and then staying in a hotel tonight.
I'm not sure what we are eating but breakfast is included tomorrow morning. I'm a little nervous cause I'm not great at choosing well when I'm out.

I just watched last week's 'A year to save my life'. How amazing...it really puts my half-hearted attempts to shame but it has also made me determined and encouraged me that I can do it so 2012 is definitely going to be my year to get my body sorted out.

Food so far...I'm doing an EE day for ease:

Brunch: wholemeal toast with eggs and beans & a banana
And then fruit...
Tea: not sure where we are going but I have looked at low syn options for chinese and indian food

Exercise: 1 hour dog walk.
I've been away for a while, though sticking to Slimming World and going to class.

I've decided I need to come back on here for a bit of accountability. It's not been a great week and it would be a shame to ruin all the work I've put in so far.

So, at the moment I'm writing a menu for the next few days up until shopping day. It's proving to be a little tricky, I'm struggling to think of what to eat so I'll take a look around for a bit of inspiration...this it!
Well, I'm not great at posting everyday :eek:

Or at sticking to the plan :(

So, lets start this little dance again. I don't get paid till next week so that's when I'll be starting proper. I'm busy eating out of the cupboards and freezer at the moment and will be until I can do a shop.

I also need to start back on the cross trainer. I seem to do really well and then it all stops. Unfortunately I'm very all or nothing. It's something I need to work on. It doesn't do me any favours in all different parts of my life.

So, while I'm not back on plan just yet, I am back and that's the main thing!
I've just got home from my first weigh in for about 3 weeks and I've only put on 1 and 1/2 lbs.
I'm really happy with this because my eating has been terrible and I've not exercised at all. So, tonight it's pork and veg in the slow cooker with pasta, lots of water and 30 minutes on the cross trainer.
It's kill or cure. I think I may also watch a few Obese: a year to save my life programs for a bit of encouragement.

So, the plan from now on is 100% on plan everyday. Walk the dog and go on the cross trainer. Lots of water.
I will also make sure I post on here how I'm doing. I need to stick with it.

I've not managed to lose as much as I wanted to by now but I'm still going back. I haven't given up even though I feel a little annoyed and disheartened. I'm aware that I will do as well as I want to. I'm the one that needs to put the work in and do what needs to be done so the place I'm currently in is no ones fault or responsibility but mine.
I've had tea and just done 30 minutes on the cross trainer. Drinking lots of water is now the order of the day, then shower and probably some reading in bed.
I feel more routined and in control already.

I bought the new Slimming World magazine at class tonight...it's all feeling a little dejavu..I now can't decided whether I'd already bought it :rolleyes:
Most of my assignments are now done and one exam. I feel a bit more in control.
It seems I can't stay on plan when stress hits but I'm going to try and get into a routine while it's quieter and hopefully that will turn into good habits for the future.

So today:

Food: Green

Breakfast: 2 eggs on toast & 2 satsumas
Lunch: JP & beans, HE cheese &salad
Tea: Veggie bolognaise & pasta

Snacks: apples

cross trainer
dog walk

I'll be back later with tomorrow's plan. I think it's going to make more sense for me to write the night before so I go into the next day knowing what I'm going to eat.