Illness and comfort eating


Silver Member
I have a sinus infection. I was sick over the weekend but now just feel like a have a bit of flu. Problem is when I feel ill I like to go to the same comfort foods. Toast and marmite (oh yeah, and butter!) and cheesy mashed potatoes....It takes me a few days to get back to normal eating, but hopefully I won't have undone too much by the time I am back to normal. Not sure how to deal with comfort eating when you don't feel up to anything else. Any ideas?
Hi Sassia - Do you like porridge? Baked potato? Crackers & Low Philly? Soup? They're all comfort foods (but not as nice as creamy mash!)
Pomooky XX
I do like porridge. Never thought of that before. There's some good idea you've given me, thanks!
Hi Sassia,

how are you feeling now? For comfort food I like a SW version of rice pudding, done with splenda brown sugar and cooking in water and adding the (soya for me) milk afterwards. Raisins are nice too but up the calories :(