Im back in my smaller clothes

Jelly belly

I tried on all of my jeans today that I was wearing last April/May time.

They are a size 18 and they fit.

In 5 weeks i have gone from a size 22 to a size 18 in jeans.

I also bought a top today from good old Asda and it's also a size 18


Sorry all but i'm driving everyone at home mad so i thought I'd share with you all.

Thanks to each and everyone of you for your support and posts, you keep me motivated and I'm honoured to be part of such a great website.

I am so glad Louisa pointed me in this direction.
thats fantastic! I hope I can go down 2 sizes in 5 weeks too that must feel wonderful.

I know what you mean about needing to talk to someone about things like this. I just live with my 3 kids and they dont care about any of it. They haven't even noticed I'm not eating with them any more.

So well done you :)
It's always a great motivator when you can wear your old faves from the wardrobe. It's strange that they're there, as though in my mind I know I didn't want to be big so I knew/hoped I would be slim enough one day to wear them again. It would be like giving up if they'd been chucked away.
My CDC is encouraging me to get rid of my larger clothes as I won't be going back to them BUT it can be comforting to know there are clothes that are too big for me and also just having the next size up helps me through a fat day (usually TOTM).
That's fantastic and Asda sizing isn't even that GENEROUS!

Don't get too comfy back in your old clothes though, I think that's what happened to me last month when I was struggling I was fitting all my old stuff comfortably and enjoying it. They are all too small now and I'm looking forward to new stuff. I picked out a pair of trousers in my wardrobe the other day that I nearly fit in wish is nice but they were hideous I'd never wear them again I do need a sort out now and do you know I think I really up up for it now.
Nice thread enjoying our clothes again, shopping choosing what to wear is a real positive and one of the best motivators! Dizzy
Hi, Fantastic!

It was such a great feeling to not have a 2 at the front of my clothes that I kept looking at the labels!

I didn't keep my clothes. As they got loose, I took them to the charity shop. I also checked whether I still wanted my smaller clothes. Most didn't suit me even when I was thinner but some had come back into fashion in the 20yrs since I last fitted into them though:D
Congrat's! I know how great it feels! I've made it into the 16's and even got myself into a 14 by mistake last week! lol alright they were a tad tight, but not for long! lol

Hope you need to buy new clothes again soon.. for all the right reasons of course! ;)
Great feeling isn't it!!!! I got all emotional myself this weekend, wearing 16's and even struggled into a 14!!!!!
Believe me it gets better and better every time!!

Keep it up girl you'll be at goal in no time.

Best wishes

Its so great, I have been wearing 16s for a few days and I am so proud ive told everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done you x x