Tonight will be quite casual there will probably be a group of you and you will be shown a dvd which explains everything. Afterwards there will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions.
You won't be able to start yet, you will need to get your doctors certificate and the counsellor will tell you how best to get it as not all doctors are supportive. (mine was)
She will tell you when the next group will start and then its down to you to get your medical and forms back in to ensure your place.
I had to wait a month between my info night and starting but this was just the start date for my group, I would expect at worst you will be able to start early January!
By the way the thing I found hardest to believe at my info meeting was that we really don't feel hungry! OK so occasionally we do but hardly ever. I found that so hard to believe but it really is true.
Unfortunately though, lack of feeling hungry doesn't mean you won't want food!
I have tried pretty much all the usual diets and this is really the only one I have found this easy to stick to, sometimes its hard, but motivation is high due to the fast weight loss and there are no choices to be made really which is what helps me. Once you have your food packs thats it! none of this can I get away with a biscuit or how big a lump of cheese can I have, theres no decisions past choosing your packs.
best of luck!