Interview + cold!!


Oh no, I've got a job interview this afternoon for a job I really really want but this morning a cold I've felt coming all week has come out in force!! I sound snuffly! I guess I'll just say it's hay fever but I'm hoping it doesn't cloud my brain when I'm asked hard questions!! :(
It didn't get in the way! The Sun came out and it went really well :)
Not yet! Second interview Friday though :D
Can't believe how much difference losing weight can make to confidence. The interviews have just gone so well, still not sure I got the job but at least I know how much better I feel about myself now :)
Woo! Got the job :D
Thanks guys :D know I couldn't have done it before losing weight! Nothing major as a job, just admin for a office letting company but it's close to home which is what I was looking for :)
​Well done Smidge. Really pleased for you!