is it just me

Aww good for you. Ive just totaly pigged out big time. Wot the hell is wrong with me this week!!! I was doing so well :-(
Im back on it today. Im going to go food shopping today and get sorted. Ive been up since 4oclock this morn both the kids r ill. Think theres a cold going round. By the time I get 2 go shoppin I wil have felt like I will have been up a week!! Poor kids they dnt no wot to do with themselves there so hot. Guna b mummy nurse for the day and make them better:)
Well ive faced the scales and ive put 4 pound on this week!! Its my fault for stufing my face and having binges but still gutted. Going to get my bum in gear and get it back off. Just shows that having a little of what you fancy does you good but being a pig and eating like you used to and expecting a miricle just does not happen! Heres to a healthy bak on plan week :)
I've put on 3lbs and 3/4's. so I have to lose 2lb for the next 4 weeks to be back on track! Back to being healthy healthy again xx
By some miricle im 1 and a half pound lighter than this morning. I couldnt stop peeing for 2 hours this morn!! So that means ive put 2 and a half pound on this week not 4. Yay :-D
Other than make me wee a lot I aren't sure haha my skin normally looks healthier when I drink a lot of it so I think it helps detox x
Well if it makes you wee alot then thats gota be a good thing. Theres nothing like healthy looking skin to perk you up :)