Is the end of the world nigh?

. . .BUT is that always a bad thing? because of those communications I knew within hours that my friend and family in NZ were ok despite being caught up in the earthquake . . .

No, I don't think it is a bad thing, just different. I am a huge fan of modern communications (although very wary about its intrusions into people's privacy).

But the way in which disasters, weather, any large news stories, get such intense coverage these days can have a distorting effect when it comes to comparing them with similar events in the past, which didn't get that sort of coverage.

Also, the effect of television news coverage is quite different to the effect of reading something in the paper.

There was no television in our house until 1968 (when I was 20). I grew up reading newspapers and listening to the radio. Consequently, my view of major news events before and after that date is quite different.
haha reg, no thankyou x
The end of the world as we know it will be heralded by many signs and portents - the most significant one being my 18 yr old son actually tidying up the pig sty he calls a bedroom.

Since there is no evidence this is going to happen in the near future I think you can sleep safely tonight!

That made be laugh so loud, I nearly wet myself.

those of us with long memories will remember the winters of the 60s and 70s which were far worse. The winter of 1962-63 was the worst, when it snowed on Boxing Day and didn't thaw until March - and this was in Slough, not the far north!

Winter of 1962

Also, I remember living in south Oxfordshire in the late 70s/early 80s when one winter nearly every plant in our garden was killed by the cold, and we were snowed in on several occasions.

My DS was born in the December of 63. It was so cold that babies died in their prams. I was so frightened of my babe dying in the night that I left the central heating on in his room all night, put an extra fire in, 2 extra blankets and a woollen cardigan over his baby grow. The consequence of this was a house-call from the doctor and a baby with prickly heat in one of the worst winters ever.

Another classical case of hysterical over-reaction !!!!!

So am I the only one who didn't know that the world is supposed to end in 2012? I really must get out more.....


You and I can be wiped out in total ignorance, mate!

Bit of a bummer really- if I'd have known, I wouldn't have bothered losing weight...

Lol !!!! I didn't know either.................

I have been to Chichen Itza in Mexico where the Mayan people live....they are clever sorts, but like so many people they get so much wrong as well as certain things right.

I mean for a while they killed/sacrificed virgins of the villages to ensure the rain gods were happy. I mean....seriously!!!


There must have been a lot of virgins sacrificed in Normandy then, judging by the weather we get :)


Are there that many virgins left !!??

When I see the 4 men riding down the road, I'll know I should have paid more attention! Until then I'll continue on my merry way! Shouldn't we all treat each day as our last anyway? Who knows what tomorrow may bring... xx

Hear, hear.

A good day for me is everyday I wake up and get out of my bed.

Life is too precious to worry about what we can not change.

My dear old mum always said " You die if you worry and you die if you don't worry. So why worry "

Me, I am off to sit in the sun again !!!
Any moderators who can delete this thread please???
I watched a programme on the Mayan prophecies a while back. Everything pointed towards the world ending on 21st Dec 2012, although, it has been said this is when their calendar stopped.

So look at it this way, we don't need to buy Christmas presents next year and if we are still here on 22nd Dec.......PANIC!!! :D
LOL cheers guys! (I'm gonna kick that bloke outside WHSmiths with the sandwich board next time I walk past). Oh and kick OH for giving me the idea in my head and prompting me to post this thread and have the piss taken out of me ROFL!! Still at least most of you had a giigle at my expense! Happy Slimming!! xx

Thaks for giving us something so interesting to think about and debate .

Any moderators who can delete this thread please???

Hey, don't be silly, you have started one of the best debates for ages and everyone is entitled to their opinions, yours are as valid as the next persons.

I watched a programme on the Mayan prophecies a while back. Everything pointed towards the world ending on 21st Dec 2012, although, it has been said this is when their calendar stopped.

So look at it this way, we don't need to buy Christmas presents next year and if we are still here on 22nd Dec.......PANIC!!! :D

Lol !!!!!
the world will carry on regardless, however we may not be here to see it...

the magnetic poles are long overdue for a reversal ( happens every 400,000 years or so and it's been about double that ), so that's what's happening / going to happen in 2012..
the increased tectonic activity is just part of that..
the world will carry on regardless, however we may not be here to see it...

the magnetic poles are long overdue for a reversal ( happens every 400,000 years or so and it's been about double that ), so that's what's happening / going to happen in 2012..
the increased tectonic activity is just part of that..

No evidence to suggest this...and also a theory that can't be substantiated to an exact time. More evidence leans towards a sun burn out which will destroy the earth. We may have mini-extinctions along the way, but then we are talking over roughly 4 billion years away.
Sorry I wasted all your valuable time!!!!!!

Once again I want to say, thanks for starting it. I have learnt so much !!!

No evidence to suggest this...and also a theory that can't be substantiated to an exact time. More evidence leans towards a sun burn out which will destroy the earth. We may have mini-extinctions along the way, but then we are talking over roughly 4 billion years away.

I'll settle for that. 4 Billion years gives me plenty of time to do the things I still want to do.