Is this normal?


Full Member

I just weighed in for week 2, -3 lbs.

My CDC told me she wants me to do SS with 300 kcal meal and next week, for week four she wants me to eat (obviously controlled, not a huge pigout - I WISH!;) ) to confuse my body, said I will put a little on, and then we'll hit SS hard the following week hopefully for another big loss.

I'm crapping gaining anything... i mean i know i will have to eventually but... yeah I'm being a moaning minnie.

But anyway does it sound like the normal thing to do?
no this is not normal!

ss can be followed for 10 or is it 12 weeks and then you have 1 week of 810 plan (3 packs, milk and chosen foods from a list given in your booklet).

i would just nod and carry on as you are!
Um, honestly? No, that's not the normal way of things.

Back in the old days... okay, we're talking 3-4 years ago, you used to do 4 weeks SS then what they then called a 790 week on the fifth week - then back to SS for 4 weeks if you still had more to lose.

Now you can SS for up to 12 weeks before having to have an 810 week (810 being what 790 became).

Sounds like your CWPC has her own twist on doing things. Not saying that what she has planned won't work - but it's not the standard way, that's for sure.
This is not Cambridge official policy. Ring Head Office or email the Cambridge site. You need proper advice and FAST. Even choose another Consultant just to ring, anonymously if need be, and explain that you need quick advice.

This is not right.

I just weighed in for week 2, -3 lbs.

My CDC told me she wants me to do SS with 300 kcal meal and next week, for week four she wants me to eat (obviously controlled, not a huge pigout - I WISH!;) ) to confuse my body, said I will put a little on, and then we'll hit SS hard the following week hopefully for another big loss.

I'm crapping gaining anything... i mean i know i will have to eventually but... yeah I'm being a moaning minnie.

But anyway does it sound like the normal thing to do?

Read the literature she should have given you. check the website and please seek advice. I have never heard of this 'approach'.
Thanks ladies, but it turns out I got the wrong end of the stick which I'm glad about... my CDC is wonderful and so supportive and she's explained it to me in lamens terms for simple lil old me.

Thanks again :)