It was a stressful time but I am back


Hi Guys. I am back on Cambridge diet It has been a stressful past 2 years. My husband lost his job late 2009 and I was in a job I didn't like but at the time I could not quit as I was the only one in employment.

My CD went out of the window and I was comfort eating. But as y'all know we suffer the consequences of our actions. I put on 30kgs (66lbs) my knees now hurt, I snore when I am sleeping and above all I feel it when I walk fast and I seriously fear getting all other ailments associated with being obese. Yes I am obese took me all weekend to get my head round having a BMI of more than 45. Its just not right I know I am killing myself.

I have done CD before and lost 2stone+ , I know its my only hope!!!!.

If anyone wants to be my mentor, buddy, diet partner or motivator please please please do get in-touch.

I am going to do this!
Hi Lii,
I put on 30kilos last year too. I took 30 off with CD and then I put it on again - totally my own fault. I got upset with my ex and then comfort ate.
Now I am determined to get that 30 kilos off again and then even more! I am going to get my bmi down from over 50 to under 30!

Good luck with your restart. Just take it day by day and be happy with each day you get through.
THANK you for the encouragement my dear. let keep on keeping on

I'm restarting today I lost 8 stone between this time last year and easter and have let 3 1/2 stone slip back on. So abck to lose it again and an extra one for good measure. Hope its going OK for you