It's true - you eat rubbish and you feel rubbish........


Gold Member
Well despite last week being the one I made a fresh start it all went downhill as from Friday. You name it, I ate it and I am feeling absolutely horrendous!

Prior to losing weight I constantly had heartburn, acid reflux, a taste of sick in my throat that I could never get rid of and because this last few days I have just basically been shovelling crap food into myself the memories have come flooding back that that's how I used to feel ALL the time EVERY day and I hate it!

I lay awake in bed last night with such bad heartburn that I barely got any sleep and today I am tired, lethargic and grumpy.

I KNOW that after a couple of days back on track then i will feel better again so wish me luck. x
Good luck Liz. I used to feel the same so know what you mean. Also used to get really bad heartburn and stomach ache from anything with chilies or spicy and absolutely love them. Now I can eat them again but know if I went back to how I was eating I wouldn't be able to. Keep plugging away. You obviously want to do it so when you're going to put something in your mouth ask yourself how you'll feel afterwards and will it help you to see what you want to see on the scales at next weigh in. X
Good luck for the next few days, you know you can do it.

I've just been away & even though I've offered lots of help & advice on here about eating whilst on holiday it really can be difficult sometimes. I've had pizza, dumplings, chicken stew in pancake, all with no superfree and lots of wine & beer. I did crave fruit & did have some but I started to feel just not all together myself. Back home & back eating 'normally'.
Well despite last week being the one I made a fresh start it all went downhill as from Friday. You name it, I ate it and I am feeling absolutely horrendous!

Prior to losing weight I constantly had heartburn, acid reflux, a taste of sick in my throat that I could never get rid of and because this last few days I have just basically been shovelling crap food into myself the memories have come flooding back that that's how I used to feel ALL the time EVERY day and I hate it!

I lay awake in bed last night with such bad heartburn that I barely got any sleep and today I am tired, lethargic and grumpy.

I KNOW that after a couple of days back on track then i will feel better again so wish me luck. x

Yeh hun, you are sooooo right. Feeling like poo after eating CRAP is awful.
I am sure we've all been there at one time or another.

I wish you the BEST OF LUCK starting from today. Have a great day.
It's awful isn't it. Yet we all do it to ourselves from time to time. At least you can use it to your advantage as you know exactly how to stop feeling like it. Good luck
Totally know that feeling, i had a year of the heartburn/acid reflux and it's pretty miserable, and then dr says that am now on the meds for life (omeprazole)
I started SW and within a week all my symptoms stopped, i didn't need any additional heartburn stuff (used to drink gaviscon just to try and get some sleep) and it was great, i suddenly realised about 2 weeks in that i hadn't needed any additional meds!
Then 2 weeks in Florida, god i had acid every single night! and i didn't even enjoy any of the food, i can honestly say i didn't have one decent meal while we were there (prob me, super fussy lol) and yet i put on 7.5lbs and felt like crap every day...what is wrong with me?! bloody mental is what i am lol

Since getting back, i've been pretty much on track, and i feel so much better it's unreal.
At least you made the connection, that's fab and now you just have to try and remember it i guess
(hark at me: take my advice i don't use it :p)

Good luck chick! x
I so agree with this rubbish....feel rubbish. If i have a bad night/day before and ive fallen off the wagon when i wake up the next day i feel so yuky I call it a food hangover....i feel all sluggish and slow and just cant get rid of that damned thirst! Yet we all to it to ourselves i know i certainly have.
Totally know that feeling, i had a year of the heartburn/acid reflux and it's pretty miserable, and then dr says that am now on the meds for life (omeprazole)
I started SW and within a week all my symptoms stopped, i didn't need any additional heartburn stuff (used to drink gaviscon just to try and get some sleep) and it was great, i suddenly realised about 2 weeks in that i hadn't needed any additional meds!
Then 2 weeks in Florida, god i had acid every single night! and i didn't even enjoy any of the food, i can honestly say i didn't have one decent meal while we were there (prob me, super fussy lol) and yet i put on 7.5lbs and felt like crap every day...what is wrong with me?! bloody mental is what i am lol

Since getting back, i've been pretty much on track, and i feel so much better it's unreal.
At least you made the connection, that's fab and now you just have to try and remember it i guess
(hark at me: take my advice i don't use it :p)

Good luck chick! x

Thank you xxxx
Never a truer word spoken.

I've been on plan for almost a week and in that short time, I've stopped feeling so tired, so sluggish, constantly wanting stodge/sweet things/fatty things, the heartburn is completely gone, the bloating and 'heavy' feeling has vanished and I'm no longer tortured by that thirst that can't be quenched!

Also, already I feel much more inclined to grab fruit sooner than a chocolate bar/bag of crisps and I noticed I've been filling my plate with plenty of superfree without really thinking. Its almost like my body has gone, 'Finally, she fecking gets the message!' and is helping me out with a bit of autopilot.

I know from YEARS of experience what giving in to eating badly brings...and it is so hard to recover from.

Key is to haul your ass back on plan, get all the crap out of your head and on here for some support and take it one day at a time. Tons of superfree really boosts your mood I find. We'll all have these stumbling blocks - but consider them a minor battle, while you will win the war. Rawr!
Eating bad makes me feel lethargic and sluggish with no energy. Feel so much better when following the plan
Well the good news is that after being on plan for just one day I do feel better and the even better news is that after eating that flipping maccy D's , it finally feels like I've digested it - 33 hours after it was consumed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good on you, Stivesliz! And even better that the McDonalds will soon be out of your system. Those things make me feel horrendous.
Yep keep away from the Maccys! I dont like them, and I dont like the place much either. Poor service, and once you've eaten it 10 mins later youre hungry again. Much better to have a nice meal of superfree, then fruit. Mmmmmm, and perhaps a little syn! :)