Jackie's SlimFast Diary


Hello, I am Jackie. I am classed as 'very obese' with a BMI of 40+. I'm 5'2 and over 16stone (exact weigh-in tomorrow morning).
I am married and live with my husband and three cats in Essex.
I am 25, struggled with weight problems for as long as I can remember. You name a diet and I would be very surprised if I had not tried it!
I am also diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and find a lot of my over eating is connected to this. I am in early stages off treatment for this.
I work as a trainee teacher for young people with complex needs, learning difficulties and behavioural issues. Can be a very stressful job at times, not good for the comfort eater inside me!!

So why have I chose to give SlimFast a go?

Well, I've been trying to do Weight Watchers since last Christmas and keep getting annoyed with having to track everything, count everything. Also feel like if I have a rubbish day then I have ruined the whole week and have to wait until the next weeks weigh in to start again. SlimFast I can just do, if I hash-up, start again the next day. It just feels right. oh also throw in some attempts at Sim & Save and Slimming World this year in there too.

I am going to do everything in my power to stick to it this time. I can't tell you why now is different to any other time (said this a million times before and I am sat here typing this at the heaviest weight I have ever been!). I want it to be and hope that alone is enough.

As you can see, I am starting my very own diary to keep me on track and motivated, or just somewhere to rant I guess!! Who knows, maybe it is something I can look back on one day when I am sat in my size 0 bikini on a sunny beach somewhere??!!

So to start me off this fine Sunday evening I am creating my very own list of WHY I am doing this. Here it goes:

1. I do not want to be considered as morbidly obese in my 20's
2. I want to be able to shop for nice clothes in 'normal' shops
3. I want to be able to have the confidence to go out more
4. I want to have a better self-esteem, I hate the way I look now and it's only getting worse
5. I want to be able to walk down the road without feeling like I have run a marathon
6. I want to have more energy
7. I want to feel healthier
8. I want to look acceptable in photos, not run away from the camera and feel depressed for days when I do see a photo of myself
9. I want to be happy and one of the reasons why I am not happy is because I am crazy obese
10. I want to look in the mirror and like what I see and not want to cry
11. I want to look nice for myself and for my husband
12. I want to be able to show off my body to my husband and not sit in a darkened bedroom!
13. I don't want to sit around feeling full, fat, frumpy, greasy, no energy, grumpy...
14. I want to be able to go on rides at the pier rather than not take the risk in case I can't fit into the seat
15. I want to love myself and love my body, I've felt like that before so why can't I again?!

So, roll on tomorrow....!