January - August 2st 9.3lb lost. 2st more to go...

K9KT said:
Awwwwww what happened? Yeah baby cuddles are the way to go :)

He just blanked me all day Saturday... Heard nothing on Sunday and now like five mins ago he has msgd me. I'm like wtf?!
Men are seriously confusing :-S

I still haven't had baby cuddles... I dont even know what he looks like. I'm sooo impatient lol
He just blanked me all day Saturday... Heard nothing on Sunday and now like five mins ago he has msgd me. I'm like wtf?!
Men are seriously confusing :-S

I still haven't had baby cuddles... I dont even know what he looks like. I'm sooo impatient lol

Us men are very confusing. On the whole I have found men to be substantially more balanced than women though, it seems every woman I know suffers from various levels of madness.

In terms of the man who blanked you, good for you. You found out he was a complete Cl*gg before anything happened.
He's not worth it :) there's plenty guys that should treat you right, keep looking :) get those baby cuddles soon! X
Out with the old, in with the new. I'm not letting one bad experience deter me :)

Gazter - all woman are a lil crazy; we've had to deal with boys/men all our lives :p

I got baby cuddles :-D

New guy on the scene :-D super smiley me and generally happy!



Now 11st 8.2lb so close to my 3st loss
Beautiful girlie :) glad you have a nice man that'll treat you right, make sure you work on your body magic ;-) lol