January Jump-Start Challenge

Had my first weigh in this morning and ive lost 11lbs woohoo, 1lb over target :)
Wow excellent result!! Fabby fab!! :D :party0011: Don't forget to update yourself on the list so everyone can see! :)
Rainbow brite -15lb - 2lb to go! (lost 13lb)
quak -10lbs - 2.5lb to go! (lost 7.5lb)
Chuffy_29 - 8lbs - 8lb to go!
SharonB -25lb -6lb to go! (19lb lost)
yummy101 - 16lb -4lb to go! (12 lbs lost)
Barbie2B - 20lb -20lbs to go
maybebabypowell - 15lb - 9lbs to go (lost 6lbs)
Bronte -14lb - 2lbs to go (lost 12 lbs)
Wannadrop -16lb - 16lb to go!
crimson_noir -14lb - 14lb to go
8_2_much -20lbs - 9lbs to go!(11lbs lost)
MummyEm -10lbs - 10lbs to go! (11lbs lost)
Tash86 -20lbs - 11lbs to go! (9lbs lost)
size102b -14lbs-14lbs to go!
Tummy Tamer -14lbs-11lbs to go [lost 3lbs !]
Mush - 14lbs - 1lbs to go (13lbs lost!!)
Pink - 14lbs - 14lbs to go
jacci48 - 14lbs - 14lbs to go!
justgina-10lbs - 5lb to go (5lb lost)
Well done Emma, I'm impressed. Keep at it
Thats great news well done! not aimed at you now, but to everyone please remember to keep yourself well hydrated...not drinking water = a perceived loss on the scales...but being de-hydrated is very unhealthy!
Thats great news well done! not aimed at you now, but to everyone please remember to keep yourself well hydrated...not drinking water = a perceived loss on the scales...but being de-hydrated is very unhealthy!
I wee every half an hour, do you think I'm drinking enough !!!!!
Hi everyone!

Just weighed in and have lost 2 lbs this week. Although this doesn't sound like very much, I have had two meals out this week. One was at a friends house, who cooked dinner, so there were no choices for me to opt for lower calorie/carb options, and the other was a chinese meal with my extended family. Everything is fattening in chinese I've decided. So although for 5 days I have been very good, 2 lbs seems little reward compared to other weeks. However, when you compare to other diets - I would have been very happy with 2 lb loss.

Oh well - new week - off we go!

Rainbow brite -15lb - 2lb to go! (lost 13lb)
quak -10lbs - 2.5lb to go! (lost 7.5lb)
Chuffy_29 - 8lbs - 8lb to go!
SharonB -25lb -6lb to go! (19lb lost)
yummy101 - 16lb -2lb to go! (14 lbs lost)
Barbie2B - 20lb -20lbs to go
maybebabypowell - 15lb - 9lbs to go (lost 6lbs)
Bronte -14lb - 2lbs to go (lost 12 lbs)
Wannadrop -16lb - 16lb to go!
crimson_noir -14lb - 14lb to go
8_2_much -20lbs - 9lbs to go!(11lbs lost)
MummyEm -10lbs - 10lbs to go! (11lbs lost)
Tash86 -20lbs - 11lbs to go! (9lbs lost)
size102b -14lbs-14lbs to go!
Tummy Tamer -14lbs-11lbs to go [lost 3lbs !]
Mush - 14lbs - 1lbs to go (13lbs lost!!)
Pink - 14lbs - 14lbs to go
jacci48 - 14lbs - 14lbs to go!
justgina-10lbs - 5lb to go (5lb lost)

Good luck everyone!
Hi i don't weigh in till Monday but i've already lost 10lb this week so i've decided to up my target!

Rainbow brite -15lb - 2lb to go! (lost 13lb)
quak -10lbs - 2.5lb to go! (lost 7.5lb)
Chuffy_29 - 14lbs - 14lb to go!
SharonB -25lb -6lb to go! (19lb lost)
yummy101 - 16lb -2lb to go! (14 lbs lost)
Barbie2B - 20lb -20lbs to go
maybebabypowell - 15lb - 9lbs to go (lost 6lbs)
Bronte -14lb - 2lbs to go (lost 12 lbs)
Wannadrop -16lb - 16lb to go!
crimson_noir -14lb - 14lb to go
8_2_much -20lbs - 9lbs to go!(11lbs lost)
MummyEm -10lbs - 10lbs to go! (11lbs lost)
Tash86 -20lbs - 11lbs to go! (9lbs lost)
size102b -14lbs-14lbs to go!
Tummy Tamer -14lbs-11lbs to go [lost 3lbs !]
Mush - 14lbs - 1lbs to go (13lbs lost!!)
Pink - 14lbs - 14lbs to go
jacci48 - 14lbs - 14lbs to go!
justgina-10lbs - 5lb to go (5lb lost)
Happy Saturday Everyone,

Had a bit of a wobbly day yesterday but managed to low carb it. I think it was psychological, isn't it always, as I am at a bit of a Nemesis figure for my weight loss. Somehow I often sabotage myself at this weight and can't quite get below 14 stone. So anyway this morning I was 14.0. I have lost 3lbs this week. Not fabulous but not too shabby. This week I will hold on and really burrow into the 13 stone mark.

Rainbow brite -15lb - 2lb to go! (lost 13lb)
quak -10lbs - 2.5lb to go! (lost 7.5lb)
Chuffy_29 - 14lbs - 14lb to go!
SharonB -25lb -6lb to go! (19lb lost)
yummy101 - 16lb -2lb to go! (14 lbs lost)
Barbie2B - 20lb -20lbs to go
maybebabypowell - 15lb - 9lbs to go (lost 6lbs)
Bronte -14lb - 2lbs to go (lost 12 lbs)
Wannadrop -16lb - 16lb to go!
crimson_noir -14lb - 14lb to go
8_2_much -20lbs - 9lbs to go!(11lbs lost)
MummyEm -10lbs - 10lbs to go! (11lbs lost)
Tash86 -20lbs - 11lbs to go! (9lbs lost)
size102b -14lbs-14lbs to go!
Tummy Tamer -14lbs-8lbs to go [lost 6lbs !]
Mush - 14lbs - 1lbs to go (13lbs lost!!)
Pink - 14lbs - 14lbs to go
jacci48 - 14lbs - 14lbs to go!
justgina-10lbs - 5lb to go (5lb lost)
Hey Tummytamer!

Congrats on getting to 14 stone! I know what you mean about barriers - Once I lose about 2-2.5 stone, I always lose motivation as well. But that was on traditional healthy eating diets - I still feel confident on Exante that I can carry on and reach goal. Fantastic for you to be 13 something - well done.
ok had my WI today on my new scales so these are the ones i'll go by from now on and I've lost 4lbs since last sat, might be more, might be less than that cos i don't know whether last weeks WI was accurate cos my old scales are fecked!!

So that means I'll deffinatley have to up my january target!!!

Rainbow brite -15lb - 2lb to go! (lost 13lb)
quak -10lbs - 2.5lb to go! (lost 7.5lb)
Chuffy_29 - 14lbs - 14lb to go!
SharonB -25lb -6lb to go! (19lb lost)
yummy101 - 16lb -2lb to go! (14 lbs lost)
Barbie2B - 20lb -20lbs to go
maybebabypowell - 15lb - 9lbs to go (lost 6lbs)
Bronte -14lb - 2lbs to go (lost 12 lbs)
Wannadrop -16lb - 16lb to go!
crimson_noir -14lb - 14lb to go
8_2_much -20lbs - 9lbs to go!(11lbs lost)
MummyEm -10lbs - 10lbs to go! (11lbs lost)
Tash86 -20lbs - 11lbs to go! (9lbs lost)
size102b -14lbs-14lbs to go!
Tummy Tamer -14lbs-8lbs to go [lost 6lbs !]
Mush - 20lbs - 3lbs to go (17lbs lost!!)
Pink - 14lbs - 14lbs to go
jacci48 - 14lbs - 14lbs to go!
justgina-10lbs - 5lb to go (5lb lost)
Not a good week - I put on 5lb, my own fault, i just ate & ate, I won't give up though, I've switched to calorie counting until i'm in the right frame to go back on VLCD diet. x
Not a good week - I put on 5lb, my own fault, i just ate & ate, I won't give up though, I've switched to calorie counting until i'm in the right frame to go back on VLCD diet. x
Oh poor you. It is a bit of a battle isn't it. You've done so well, it's a bit of a shame for you not to press on through this, you could get that 5lbs back in a week !!! what do you really want ??? You know it works , put yourself first and get back on the VLCD bandwagon. If you did do it again, take just one day at a time and at the end of each day ask yourself how you feel. Ask if you are proud and pleased with yourself for having done a day total, or do you regret it and wish you hadn't bothered!!! I am betting you won't regret it. Maybe something is worrying you and you are not managing the stress of that.[ TOTM for example] Just sit down and ask yourself what's bothering you and is it that bad or is it just blowing up out of proportion cos you haven't spoken to someone about it or rationalised it in your head. I put on 9lbs at xmas and after a week of imperfect but moving in the right direction abstinence got them back in a couple of weeks.[ I suprised myself] I am sooooo glad I did. I think if you can grit your teeth and nurse yourself through three days total until you get into ketosis, it then all becomes a bit easier. Have you got any sticks for testing if you are in ketosis? I test it every morning and it's satisfying to know I'm in K. I feel that once I'm there it's a hard won fat buring advantage and I don't want to lose it and that helps keep me on the straight and narrow[ ish] NEVER NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF, YOU ARE WORTH IT ! It is just a "lapse" start again, don't let it lead to a "relapse" and then a "collapse" nip it in the bud, you will feel so much stronger and in control for doing that. But whatever you do I wish you all the best. If you can come up with a good reason not to go back on it and get what you want then I will eat my hat. It might just help to write down what you want to achieve and then your reasons for NOT doing it. If you see you haven't got any good reasons for not doing it it might help get your head in the right place again. All the best.
I've lost another 2lb this week, not the greatest of losses but still a loss non the less.
Thanks 21lb in total.
Lost another 3.5lb this week so only 1.5lb to my January goal, wooho.

Rainbow brite -15lb - 2lb to go! (lost 13lb)
quak -10lbs - 2.5lb to go! (lost 7.5lb)
Chuffy_29 - 14lbs - 14lb to go!
SharonB -25lb -6lb to go! (19lb lost)
yummy101 - 16lb -2lb to go! (14 lbs lost)
Barbie2B - 20lb -20lbs to go
maybebabypowell - 15lb - 9lbs to go (lost 6lbs)
Bronte -14lb - 2lbs to go (lost 12 lbs)
Wannadrop -16lb - 16lb to go!
crimson_noir -14lb - 14lb to go
8_2_much -20lbs - 9lbs to go!(11lbs lost)
MummyEm -10lbs - 10lbs to go! (11lbs lost)
Tash86 -20lbs - 11lbs to go! (9lbs lost)
size102b -14lbs-14lbs to go!
Tummy Tamer -14lbs-8lbs to go [lost 6lbs !]
Mush - 20lbs - 3lbs to go (17lbs lost!!)
Pink - 14lbs - 14lbs to go
jacci48 - 14lbs - 14lbs to go!
justgina-10lbs - 1.5lb to go (8.5lb lost)