Jelliebabe's way to less Jelly more BABE!

Hi Jelliebabe & Foxy2605, thanks for the reply! I'm in the middle of day 3 now, last night was horrible! just wanted to sleep so I didn't have to feel hungry, but couldn't sleep >.< Never had that sandwich in the end, just tried to stay focused and battled through it. Feeling abit better today.

I'm wondering, are you able to half the sachets? As I think I would cope much better if I new I was "eating" 6 times a day instead of 3??
I've halfed this my lunch shake so I can have some later (havn't mixed the other half with water yet).

Big thanks! I will get there~!!
Oh and I'm drinking about 3-4 litres of water, just keeping my bottle near me n drinking all the time. Needed some insperation today to i went on the scales........... -6lb!!! Omg!!! can't believe it! was a big boost to know that and totally movitated me not to give up!
SP, i think a lot of people split their sachets into halves. the important thing is once it's made you're supposed to drink it within about 15mins, but splitting them beforehand is fine.
Slim~Penguin said:
Oh and I'm drinking about 3-4 litres of water, just keeping my bottle near me n drinking all the time. Needed some insperation today to i went on the scales........... -6lb!!! Omg!!! can't believe it! was a big boost to know that and totally movitated me not to give up!

Well done 6lbs is really good. It's definitely the fast losses that keep you motivated keep up the good work!
Hey Jelliebabe are you feeling better??? Hope so x
Na have another day off to make sure u are better! Hope u are managing to sleep!!!! X
ayshaahmad said:
Na have another day off to make sure u are better! Hope u are managing to sleep!!!! X

Lol dragged my sorry self to work today... Boooo feel like I'm a snail and leaving buckets of slime behind! Ewwwww. I'm drinking loads today to try and shift a but now before wi tomorrow. I thought it wad odd that Ive hardly peed at all today... lol but I've figured out its all coming out of my nose!
Haha sorry that made me giggle, but poor u it Sux being ill and having to work!!! Hope its hometime soon so u can chill x
hey there just passing through, enjoying reading diaries its keeping me motivated!

Just wanted to say don't worry if the scales stick, we often retain water when ill like you describe, so if its not a great loss you'll catch up when you feel better.

get well soooooooooon :)
Thanks Iva - I dont think I'm doing FAB (according to my scales) mind you haven't ... ahem "been" since Thursday or Friday! EEEEK! I took some laxatives last night and nothing, got some senacot will take some tonight and fingers crossed (or legs :D)

We're such a romantic couple - were both under the weather and both just said we feel like going to bed as were really tired! We did watch a film though and have dinner together so that was nice :D

I really really was going to get a pack of pork scratchings on the way home AGAIN and again had to give myself a talking to on why this was an irrational thought and just because I feel ill pork scratchings aren't going to make it any better etc etc. Resisted temptation again. WHY oh WHY am I fixated on pork scratchings??? Maybe in my mind they are low carb and therefore more diet friendly than bread or crisps or summat. I'm weird I guess!

Anyway - going to take the senna and hope it doesnt keep me up all night! Night all - wish me luck for Weigh in tomorrow! :D
Good luck for 2mz lovely :D
I am craving cashew nuts, have been for weeks I can walk past the chocolate isle in Tesco no problem but struggle when I get to the nuts section!! Funny how our brains work!!!,
Hey guys well its day 5 now and I'm happy to say that I havn't cheated (although the temptation at times has been unbearable!). Since day 3 I havn't really felt hungry and a couple of times I've had to remind myself to have my shakes! Never ever thought that would happen. So glad I kept at it now! I wonder if I'm in ketosis yet....... I've ordered some wee sticks off Amazon so I can check! For me the night of day 2 was the worst night ever, had the shakes, headaches, sickness, couldn't sleep, Major Major cravings but something "magical" happened when I woke up on the 3rd day, the hungry was gone, and I felt amazing!!! so much energy! Loving the diet now. I'm not going to lie, I long for the taste of pizza and all the other naughties but I'm coping just fine really!! So anyone reading this who feels like giving up.... DON'T DO IT!! it does get better =) <3
Bloody fantastic well done you!!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jelliebabe so bloody pleased for you!!! AMAZING loss =D