Jess' photo diary, surgery & baby later. Fresh start

Thanks Danni, to be honest I was expecting it with ny knees, just the rest ontop makes everything 10times worse!

I'm extremely knackered and could easily go to bed. But Robs on late shift this week so he's at work and I've to sort Jacob out. So bed at 7 when I put Jacob down, hopefully he will be his usual good self and go straight to sleep... Oh I hope so!! X
Well been on a downer again with gaining. I've had a 100% week but gained 3.5lb!!

So peed off on how hard I try yet still gaining tons of bloody weight :'(
Ah Jess big hugs if you have had 100% week it's probably baby related. Your doing great xx
Most of my pregnancy I've been on plan, I've had about 3 losses earlier on and that's it :/ quite shocked how much I've gained, you'd of expect me to of been off plan throughout my pregnancy so far, not actually on plan!. Puzzles me... x
Jess honestly I know how awful that feels. N I kno doesn't matter what I say, it won't make a diff but honestly... Forget it!!! It's ALL baby!!! U know I didn't listen to that when I was in ur shots but I lost all weight I'd gained and half stone!!! U'll b the same if not more off... Big hugs xxxx
Jess honestly I know how awful that feels. N I kno doesn't matter what I say, it won't make a diff but honestly... Forget it!!! It's ALL baby!!! U know I didn't listen to that when I was in ur shots but I lost all weight I'd gained and half stone!!! U'll b the same if not more off... Big hugs xxxx

It's awful it's getting me depressed. I was thinking of stopping class as it makes me feel worse seening more gains every week when I've been 100%. But I know if I do that il go off track and not care. Which I don't want to make it any worse than it already is!!

How much was your overall gain? I'm currently up 24lb exactly as of last night's gain... X
I know how you feel Hun my weight is on the up also . It's definitely depressing!
It's hard when you try so hard to be on plan and still gain but like Frances said I'm sure it's all baby and once he's here you'll soon lose it all
Awwwwwww how upsetting gaining, I've not been commenting much but I've seen the meals you've been having & they look amazing, just keep doing what you're doing, I'm not sure it's all baby, would baby gain 3lbs in one week?!?!! perhaps water retention or something, don't get down though, you're doing so well x
Try not worry too much xx
I put on 20lbs during pregnancy and so far I've lost 33lbs without trying too hard, only now I'm starting to have to be good to see a loss.
Thanks ladies it's a real help.. just need to stop feeling sorry for myself and Atleast I'm actually having such a wonderful thing happen :)

That's great France's! I so hope I'm something like you... :) il be happy if I'm left with say 10lb left to lose afterwards!! Xx
Try not to worry Jess, I think 24lb is fine and as you say, it keeps you on track and imagine what you would have done if you hadn't been at SW! I would guess at least 3/4 of that is baby and associated bits and bobs! Your blood volume almost doubles when your pregnant...if you imagine that's 7-8pints normally which is say 3litres and it's now nearly 6litres that's at least half a stone of blood! And you will be retaining water too. Maybe try and increase the amount of water you drink? Sounds counterproductive I know but it does help to flush nasties out and you won't get so puffy (if you do, I may be casting aspersions here!) :)
Your food is amazing, you know you stay on plan, it's just one of those things unfortunately. Hope your knees are ok
It's awful it's getting me depressed. I was thinking of stopping class as it makes me feel worse seening more gains every week when I've been 100%. But I know if I do that il go off track and not care. Which I don't want to make it any worse than it already is!!

How much was your overall gain? I'm currently up 24lb exactly as of last night's gain... X
I gained 14.2lb throughout but our bodies are different. Out metabolisms are different n the about if extra blood, amniotic fluid n baby along with everything else pregnancy is different too. So don't compare ur gain to mine or anyone else's. ur doing fab n I wud put money on it all going post baby !!! It's do hard seeing the by need go higher when ur being so good but pls try n ignore numbers for now xxx
Awwwwwww how upsetting gaining, I've not been commenting much but I've seen the meals you've been having & they look amazing, just keep doing what you're doing, I'm not sure it's all baby, would baby gain 3lbs in one week?!?!! perhaps water retention or something, don't get down though, you're doing so well x
No it won't b all baby. But it'll b all pregnant gain. As in placenta, baby, amniotic fluid, extra blood flow........
Try not to worry Jess, I think 24lb is fine and as you say, it keeps you on track and imagine what you would have done if you hadn't been at SW! I would guess at least 3/4 of that is baby and associated bits and bobs! Your blood volume almost doubles when your pregnant...if you imagine that's 7-8pints normally which is say 3litres and it's now nearly 6litres that's at least half a stone of blood! And you will be retaining water too. Maybe try and increase the amount of water you drink? Sounds counterproductive I know but it does help to flush nasties out and you won't get so puffy (if you do, I may be casting aspersions here!) :)
Your food is amazing, you know you stay on plan, it's just one of those things unfortunately. Hope your knees are ok
thanks i can see where everyone is coming from, its just so hard when im on a sw and pregnant group and see all these other ladies boosting about they're over a stone below pp weight and are like 24 weeks etc!
thats why i was considering stopping sw group so i can stop obsessing with the scale numbers! might just not look in my book or the scales from now on.
Knees not doing too bad, ive been resting as much as possible... but im having some uncomfortable pressures in bump though, think hes beating me up inside lol xx

I gained 14.2lb throughout but our bodies are different. Out metabolisms are different n the about if extra blood, amniotic fluid n baby along with everything else pregnancy is different too. So don't compare ur gain to mine or anyone else's. ur doing fab n I wud put money on it all going post baby !!! It's do hard seeing the by need go higher when ur being so good but pls try n ignore numbers for now xxx

No it won't b all baby. But it'll b all pregnant gain. As in placenta, baby, amniotic fluid, extra blood flow........

yeah i hope the weight drops off... my boobs are more massive from before aswell :rolleyes: so thats certainly more weight there!! x
some meals from previous days......

bacon egg mushrooms
2014-03-16 09.40.15.jpg

weetabix and fruit... i had to get jacobs in too lol
2014-03-17 09.40.16.jpg

chips, steak, peppercorn sauce and tomatoes
2014-03-17 12.40.26.jpg

melon and pineapple chopped for fridge
2014-03-19 10.18.21-2.jpg

muesli fruit and yogurt
2014-03-19 10.32.30.jpg

salmon, oven roasted corn, tomatoes, peppers and carrots
2014-03-19 13.44.24.jpg

fry up
2014-03-19 18.36.05.jpg

Today: RED DAY
B- chopped melon, banana, strawberries, tangerine. weight watchers yogurt
D- cheese burger and salad (using heB and heA)
T- not too sure yet...
Jess I was the same. There's a lovely lady on minis that is lighter than I am... N lost a good bit while pregnant too. So in my eyes I should have been able lose far more than she did while pregnant but it wasn't to be... We're all different :)

indeed, it sucks lol. But i have realized most of the ladies who have lost during pregnancy all started sw as they fell pregnant or because they were... then us who have gained are all long term members... strange how that works out! but understandable. x
big cheese burger and salad. (0 syns, 1heB)
2014-03-20 12.53.24.jpg

Lettuce, tomato, cucumber, peppers, spring onion and mint. Crab sticks, boiled eggs. Boiled potatoes in veg stock with parsley and ricotta cheese. Hmm very nice and 0syns! (heA & heB)
2014-03-20 18.50.46.jpg
EE day today.

Big bowl fruit... Apple, pineapple, watermelon and tangerines. 2 WW yogurts didn't eat them as was full!

Lunch. Sweet chilli chicken stirfry! Oh it was beautiful!.
Chicken, egg noodles, babycorn, sugarsnaps, onion, cabbage, carrot, mushrooms, beansprouts.

Had these at my grandads for only 5 Syns, thought were pretty good!

Tea nice Fryup. Using 3syns for sausages and butter for toast on another plate ais wouldn't fit lol

Going to have a milky hot choc soon for some more Syns and heA.

Going away for weekend tomorrow to Chester zoo with Jacob, my sis and her daughter who's only 2 days older than Jacob so going to be so fun!! I'm going to make a pasta salad when I can be bothered tonight so it's done for lunch tomorrow. So no naughty meal out.. but my tea is paid for within the deal and also breakfast for following day so il chose the best options possible!!
Have a fun weekend :)