Joined slimming world tonight

Ye can put me on a right downer if Iv been good and I just gain and end up where I was come the end of the week . I'm 3/4 lighter at the mo from last Thursday morning but knowing my luck il go up half and then be bck same place come Thursday lol. I'm also going to try and stop eating in the evening as it's late at night doesn't help. I will be buzzing if I can get 2lb off as I just seem to be stuck around 16.13 -17.0 . I also think tho because I have lost 2stone the loss does slow down and this is why I'm adding excersise
Now as it all helps

You've done great to lose 2 stone already :) It will slow down but even a 1lb a week loss will be 3 1/2 stone over the year, so it soon mounts up.
I hate being just under the stone mark, I always want to get as far away from it as possible, just so if I have a bad week, it won't go up into the next stone.
Keeping everything crossed for you for a good weigh in on Thursday :)
Haha ye that's exac how I feel want to get away from it fast cause never want to be in it again lol. What's annoying is the exante diet I was doing I was also stuck at this weigh then and kept going up and down I wasn't doing 100% tho as was near to crimbo to many temptations. Then I put the 8lb on over crimbo so just want to get well into middle of 16s now.

Yep the 1lbs do add up il be happy with any loss to to honest it's still a loss , but everyone would like to loose 2lb a week . Last time I did s/w had a treat a week and was loosing 2lb a week so think it's deffo excersise that's needed for me
Haha ye that's exac how I feel want to get away from it fast cause never want to be in it again lol. What's annoying is the exante diet I was doing I was also stuck at this weigh then and kept going up and down I wasn't doing 100% tho as was near to crimbo to many temptations. Then I put the 8lb on over crimbo so just want to get well into middle of 16s now.

Yep the 1lbs do add up il be happy with any loss to to honest it's still a loss , but everyone would like to loose 2lb a week . Last time I did s/w had a treat a week and was loosing 2lb a week so think it's deffo excersise that's needed for me

I know what you mean. Christmas and holidays are a killer. I'm going away at half term and I know I'll spend atleast 2-3 weeks getting rid of the excess weight :(
Yep it's rubbish isn't it. It's my bday on 15th so was hoping I'd be well into 16s before I have a treat night lol. Also going away for Easter so
That will be more gained weight lol
Yep it's rubbish isn't it. It's my bday on 15th so was hoping I'd be well into 16s before I have a treat night lol. Also going away for Easter so
That will be more gained weight lol

You've still got 2 weeks till your birthday. You've started doing more exercise and less snacking in the evening, so I'm sure you'll be ok for a treat by then :)
Hopefully I was really excited to get back where I was aswell as il feel better as loose more . Least I'm not gaining surpose.

Would go for a walk at night but it's so cold and also it's very dodgy at the min around here. Live on a new estate and people are knocking on door etc someone was Broken into and had their car pinched and it's happened again on the estate up the road. Doesn't feel very safe at the mo which is horrible because love living here it's so quiet
I'm doin the 5 min fitness twice a day as of today and also planking for 5secs haha. Iv got a two year old and it's so cold to go on walks with her at the min,plus she full of cold so been stuck in house since weekend. I do go softplay and try and burn some calories can't wait till the lighter night arrives
Laura, you could go swimming. Great excercise and you can take your little girl! Xxx
Good thinking Katy Don't think will get much done with her in baby pool lol. Might go with some mates instead tho

Even still you can do exercises on the edge of pool. I do stretching and stuff when I go as well as swimming.
Even just playing with your daughter will burn calories! :)
Day 26. It's FEB

Well I lost 8lb in jan not bad from 3 weeks of slimming as didn't go to club until the 5th.

FEB has arrived and I am setting myself some targets
- 5 min work out twice a day
- try cut portion size down as don't want to have a plate pilled high no good in the long run.
- get my stone award at class

STAY POSITIVE why I'm staying the same I'm
Not gaining which is brill.

Todays food plan
Breakfast youhurt
Dinner tuna pasta 5 for mayo
2xhifi HEX b 2xbaby bell
Tea pasta and sauce 2 for milk
2xbrownies 8

Syns 15

Iv also decided that I'm not going to have 15 syns a day enless needed. I was looking back at my old food diary for s/w and I wouldn't have choc/brownies at night I just had 3 meals and on the odd day like maybe twice a week I would have something extra like a bag of crisps or Freddo. I think because I know I have them I go into kitchen searching lol and this has to stop I'm not hungry I just don't want to waste my syns haha. If a fancy something then yes I will have it but not having for the sake of it.
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Good morning hun,

Hope little one's a bit better today.
I used to love taking my kids out in their pushchairs, I could walk for miles and it kept them quiet, so killing 2 birds with stone, lol!!

How's the Plank going? Have you managed more than 5 seconds yet, lol?!

Morning, she's less bunged up this morning so that's good and had her cereal.

She doesn't like the pushchair haha since she started walking at 1 and speaking all
I get is out mummy out . I kind of let her all the time oops and now when ever she sees her pushchair all I can hear is walk mummy walk. She loves to explore things and look at toys in shops etc so Iv just always let her. The only time she will go in is to eat her dinner if we are out and need something on the go or if she
Is tired . Being a normal 2 year old tho she fights her sleep and will just keep going and going lol. Soon as she's better she will come for walks with me and when weather gets better il bribe her with ice cream why I walk faster with her in pushchair hahah

As for the planking I'm still about dead holding on for a very fast 5 secs hahaha
Morning, she's less bunged up this morning so that's good and had her cereal.

She doesn't like the pushchair haha since she started walking at 1 and speaking all
I get is out mummy out . I kind of let her all the time oops and now when ever she sees her pushchair all I can hear is walk mummy walk. She loves to explore things and look at toys in shops etc so Iv just always let her. The only time she will go in is to eat her dinner if we are out and need something on the go or if she
Is tired . Being a normal 2 year old tho she fights her sleep and will just keep going and going lol. Soon as she's better she will come for walks with me and when weather gets better il bribe her with ice cream why I walk faster with her in pushchair hahah

As for the planking I'm still about dead holding on for a very fast 5 secs hahaha

Haha, I managed 11 seconds this morning for the first time, it nearly killed me, lol!

I suppose at 2 both of my kids were walking and didn't like their pushchairs either, I don't know why but I was thinking she was younger.