Jonsgirl's Atkins daily blah blah

Busy day today - pushing papers and a million phone calls this morning followed by a client visit which was quite intense and took the best part of three hours.

arrived home just in time to pick my little man up. It's his birthday tomorrow so he's bouncing off the walls and we've just spent the best part of an hour writing a letter to the birthday fairy to ask for his presents (luckily he asked for most of the things we've bought him - phew!)

he's now presented me with a full itinery of what he wants to do on Saturday including the cinema AND bowling AND tea at KFC - hmmm we'll see - i could need a bank loan for that little lot!

Just managed to get him into bed ( using the threat that the birthday fairy won't come if you're awake lol) and just waiting for him to go to sleep so I can wrap his presents.

Appetite has gone again so not eaten much today -

b: black coffee with one sweetner.
l: garlic sausage with mayo.
d: chicken wrapped in bacon, stuffed mushroom.
Hi all, hope you are all well?

Jacob's birthday went off well, he was really happy with all of his presents but not so happy that he then had to go to school without playing with them - he didn't understand that he's still got to go to school even though its his birthday. Never mind we've got a busy weekend of stuff planned for him including the cinema and bowling and tea out at a location of his choice - could be dangerous for my waistline ( it's 99% guaranteed to be Pizza Hut if I know my boy!)

nothing much to report here - but foodwise has been much the same. Still not much appetite so not eating much. Bought some spicy frankfurters which are yum so I had one of those for my lunch and it was enough to fill me up - how different from my carby days when I could eat huge amounts. I was reminiscing with a friend the other day about the pre Jacob days when we used to have girls night in and I could eat ( I kid you not ) a large dominoes pizza, portion of potato wedges, portion of chicken strips and a small garlic bread all to myself in one sitting - just dipping it in garlic mayo and mindlessly shoving it in and washing it down with about a litre of full sugar coke. Then about an hour later when it had gone down we'd have pudding - either a family cheesecake or a tub of Ben and jerrys to share. I actually feel physically sick when I think about it now - thank heavens for ketosis!!

my friend used to match me bite for bite which i think encouraged me to eat even more but unfortunately she is one of those annoying people that can eat what she likes and stays a perfect size 10 - b*tch! lol but no wonder I ended up the size I was eating like that!

Same when we used to go out for lunch it always had to be three courses and side orders like onion rings or garlic bread (love the fried stuff) we didn't feel like we'd eaten unless we were absolutely stuffed, now I order a chicken salad and I'm lucky if I can manage half of it. Saying that jacob's fish fingers smelt awfully good tonight but I resisted!

Staying fairly clean and green this week in the hope of a good loss ( and maybe to mitigate the damage I know is going to be done at Pizza Hut on Saturday :-( )

it's my cousins 18th birthday party on 2nd November ( god that makes me feel old - I remember coming home from work and chasing him round the garden when he was about two! ) anyway the theme is dress to impress so I'm hoping to be able to fit into something slinky and sexy preferably in a size 14.

b: black coffee with one sweetner.
l: spicy frankfurter with mayo.
d: half a chicken breast, a stuffed mushroom.
You are so inspirational! Your mindset just goes to show that you can do this and it's right for you! Have you baked the cake yet? Can't wait to see pics :) do Pizza Hut do salads? Thinking damage limitation Pizza Express do great kids meals and amazing salads! Good if you have one near x
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I wish tee, foodwise Jacob is very good and normally goes wherever we take him with no issue but hubby told him he could choose as it is his birthday treat so I can't really go against that - well not without being evil mummy lol! His favourites at the moment are KFC, nando's and Pizza Hut. I tried to persuade him to nando's but he wants to go to Pizza Hut because he loves the salad bar - he likes to go up a couple of times and fill a big bowl with sweet corn and tomatoes- odd child lol.

normally salad bar would be good but in Pizza Hut it's mostly pre made stuff like pasta and potato salads so no good for me - unless I want to eat a bowl full of lettuce and cucumber and not much else I'm going to be out of luck I think.

hopefully there is a good chance he'll change his mind again tomoro when he sees nando's lol.

Not made the cake yet - party is next Sunday so probably baking on Thursday then decorating on Friday and Saturday. I will post pics when I am done lol

on another note I feel very light and slim today so hoping for a good result on the scales tomorrow xx
Hope the party plans are on going well, thinking about you tomorrow, your wee boy is going to have the best birthday ever xxx
Well I'm back from a hectic and fun filled day with Jacob and the hubby - cinema, bowling and shopping. Ended up having lunch and tea out - eek.

Food - wise today is a bit of a write off. Came off the wagon but for the first time really in nine weeks so I'm pretty ok with that. As I've said before this way of eating is for life so sometimes life happens and allowances need to be made for special occasions. The funny thing is, in the past i would make any excuse to go off plan and i would plan it religiously and fantasise for weeks about what I was going to eat and how it would taste etc - odd or what??

Now I actually dread a day off plan because I don't feel in control and I hate that. The funny thing is I didn't actually want to eat any crap today but it was either that or nothing and as hubby gave Jacob the choice of where to eat I was a bit stuck.

As there was nothing really legal on the menus I just picked the best of a bad bunch ( of course we could have gone elsewhere but i didn't want to say we couldn't go to the places Jacob chose because then i would have to explain why. you see, when I'm with Jacob I'm always very careful not to say I can't eat this or that because I don't want him to grow up with an unhealthy attitude to food or think that dieting is normal or a good thing - if there is a salad or something I will order it and if he asks why i'm not eating chips - which he does quite often - I just tell him I'm fed up of them and that I like salad - which I kind of do but it wouldn't always be my first choice - if that makes sense)

so anyway lunch was KFC where I had three pieces of chicken - managed to pick some of the breading off and had a Pepsi max to drink. Thought I might have a salad but they said they didn't have any lettuce today???!!! For tea Jacob surprised me by asking to go to a burger place where they do yummy handmade burgers (obviously lol) I had a burger with pepperjack cheese, salad and mayo with a flat mushroom on the top. I had a few bites of the bread bun and then dismantled the burger and ate the best bits and left the rest of the bread. i also had an onion ring and a couple of chips because Jacob wanted to share his with me and kept asking why I wasn't eating them. He also force fed me a couple of sweets at the cinema - he got a bit upset when i refused them the first few times - i think he's that used to seeing me stuff my face I think he gets a bit worried about me when I'm not eating as much - it makes me sad that he obviously sees me that way.

So today wasn't the best but could have been worse i guess - I think it shows my change in attitude because normally I would have eaten everything in site because I wanted to make the most of my time off plan. My tummy really hurts and i feel bloated and a bit sick so i'll try not to do that again. So I will draw a line under today

there it is.

clean and green tomorrow and loads of water.

On the plus side i lost three pounds last week and I tried on a dress today that I want to wear for my cousins birthday party. I bought it for a work Xmas do in 2006 and I've not managed to fit into it since - today it fit perfectly!
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His birthday sounds amazing, bless him! I think you did amazingly considering what there was on offer and like you say it could have been so much worse.

I agree with you re dieting and giving them the wrong impression about food and dieting in front of kids. I used to weigh myself in front of my daughter and the she started going in there on her own and standing on the scales, I was horrified! I don't do that anymore and luckily that was over 6 months ago and she's forgotten it's even there now.

As for the the seeing you stuff your face bit, as you put it, I know how you feel. When I had my blip a few weeks ago, I was eating some biscuits from the pack and my daughter said, don't eat them all mummy! ,*cringe*.

Well done for your loss as well, your dramatic weight loss in only 8 weeks proves how your attitude has changed. You're doing brilliantly! Go JG! x
Thanks Toni,

yes it makes me wonder sometimes how the kids perceive us and as they learn from watching us it's no wonder they sometimes think that those eating behaviours are normal - I get quite worried about it but I'm now trying my best to undo the damage I think I've done in the past with my attitude to food - for example in the past if he'd done well I'd always reward him with food, sweets etc - now it's a small toy (like a £1 toy car or a cheap book) or if it's a bigger achievement i reward him with an experience like a cinema trip or bowling - I think that is much better ( although more expensive lol!)

anyway I don't feel too bad after my mini blow out yesterday - I did drink lots of water last night in an attempt to flush it out so hopefully that will help. And this morning my jeans still feel the same - I still won't make a habit of going off plan though. We will see what the scales say on Saturday xx
What a great mum you are! You and your OH made a little boy's day :D

I think the way you're trying not to be too obsessive about food in front of him is very healthy - I was force fed some food as a kid and never overcame it.

Thanks Susie,

I think i'm quite a neurotic mother lol I worry about everything. i always try to think about how my actions affect Jacob - sometimes obsessively so. I didn't have the best childhood myself so I know how the actions of parents can have a lasting effect on children - even if its something small that they may not realise they are doing at the time.

Even though I get on ok with my mother now it wasn't always like that and i was on my own for many years - I'm really conscious that I don't want that for Jacob. I want to give him all the things I never had - not material stuff but things like security and good self esteem and knowing he is loved xx
On a totally positive note - today I didn't wear any make up. I generally have quite bad skin, lots of spots and lumps and old acne scars. usually I don't go out without my extra cover foundation. Today I went to put it on and thought " my skin actually looks ok today - I wonder if I can manage without it" so I thought it was worth a try.

I just used a little concealer under my eyes and around my nose where my skin is a bit red and then my mascara and lip gloss as usual and I couldn't really tell the difference. In fact when I unexpectedly caught site of myself in a mirror I thought how "fresh" I looked.

I remembered that when I did Atkins last time my skin was also much clearer and I guess since I am eating a lot better my skin looks a lot better too and that got me thinking about all the horrible unpleasant side effects I get from eating carbs. I decided it would be interesting to write a list and it's quite scary to look at - in fact if carbs were a medication and this was the list of side effects you'd never ever take it!!

Bad skin
stomach cramps
heavy painful irregular TOTM.
painful joints
And the obvious - weight gain.

looking at all that i wonder why the hell would I ever do that to my body?? I've decided to keep this and look at it the next time I feel tempted to stray or that some chips or a sandwich will make me feel better.

With that in mind I have gone straight back onto clean and green following yesterday's blip and I have just had chicken baked in mayo for my tea - anybody who would not be happy to have that for their tea must be mental!! nom nom nom xx
I never looked at the affects like that before, but if course your right. Your doing very well honey x keep going you'll get there.... What is your goal?
I never looked at the affects like that before, but if course your right. Your doing very well honey x keep going you'll get there.... What is your goal?

Thanks mel, I'd really like to be 10 stone something (even 10 stone 13 tbh as long as it's in the tens) I tried to do this for my wedding and the day before I weighed in at 11 stone exactly so didn't manage it. I haven't been under 11 stone for about 20 years lol.

I need a BMI of 30 to be able to do my IVF treatment (probably in January time) for my height that's a weight of 11stone 1 pound xx
My skin always looks so much better on l/c - although I'm never sure if it's to do with the increased veg intake or not - but who cares, what works, works! :D

I also suffer from boils (top insides of my legs ouchie) and definitely got less on l/c. Ditto flatulence. Honestly, on carbs I could blow off for England :D
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Well i am back after a hectic few days sorting jacobs party which was this afternoon. Hopefully this is a picture of Jacob's birthday cake. It started off as a minion but then Jacob decided he wanted a pirate minion so i added a few extra bits and this is what we ended up with. You can just about see the cake pops in the foreground too. He had a great party - about 33 kids turned up in the end and they spent a few hours bouncing off the walls and generally causing chaos but they all seemed to have a good time and I got lots of lovely comments from the other mums about his cake and about the party in general. At the end Jacob came running up and launched himself at me and shouted "mummy you are the most awesome mummy in the world and my party has been awesome I love you" that made all the hard work worthwhile.

On another note I lost one and a half pounds this week ( a blooming miracle as I'm TOTM) only two pounds to go and I will be 12 stone - I'm thrilled! Mind you I've probably put that back on as I had a slice of birthday cake - normally I can take it or leave it but when I'm serving it to others I get paranoid that it will be dry or not taste nice so I had to taste it or i would have been panicking and freaking out!

Now I just have the hard job of trying to avoid all the leftovers lol. I always crave carby rubbish when I'm TOTM :-(

hope you are all well ladies xx
Hi babes - the picture didn't work on my screen - but I bet it was gorgeous!

And well done on the loss - I bet you're at the 12s now! :D