JUDDD - Introduce Yourself!!

Hi Elaine and welcome. Your job sounds really interesting!
Welcome Elaine! Yes another juddderer! Good luck hun x
hello all moving over from sf to juddd

never even heard of this diet till i came on to do sf.but it just didnt do it for me.i notice that you are on here stirky.i have been reading your posts on sf for ages so its nice to see a familiar name.the only question i want to ask is does it matter at what time of day you eat.as im a bit of a night owl(not through choice)i have really bad insomnia.any help would be great.going to start on an average day (lower than a ud but more than a dd)so that my first dd will be monday.anyway hello to all and my the sun shine on us.:D
Hi Ann :wavey: great to have a fellow sf'er join us! I came over to juddd as had stopped losing on sf, but often still have sf shakes on juddd. Been on it a month now and still love it, finding it quite easy to stick to which has amazed me lol!

Yes doesn't matter what time you eat. In fact on a dd I find it better to wait as long as poss before eating, as eating in the morning just gets your appetite going.

Let us know how you get on, any q's just ask and I'm sure one of us will be able to help.

Have fun x
omg stirky

you got into a size 12:eek:.that is fantastic.i bet you feel fab:D:D.so very well done on your weightloss.i couldn't get a 12 up on leg never mind on.anyway thanks for the reply and good job on your weight loss xxann
Thanks Ann, yes very excited about the 12, never ever worn a 12 in my adult life, so a big milestone :D
New member

Hi all

Just found out about this diet and going to start 2moro will start with a down day as i have been counting calories of 1600 for a few weeks but not losing weight and this sounds just rite for me so any advice would be very welcome, unable to get hold of the book its not available in the uk.

Hi Marion,

Welcome to juddd! Good luck with it, sure you'll do great. You can get the book on amazon.co.uk, if it says it's unavailable try the link to other sellers (the new and used ones) and you should be able to get it there. Think most of us got it on Amazon. I only got mine the week before last and I've been on juddd over a month now, so the book isn't essential to doing the diet, although it is a very interesting read and handy to have. Although if you have any q's one of us should be able to help :)

Let us know how you get on x

PS. I'm on a down day tomorrow too :) I love the down days, in fact most of us have found rather surprisingly that the down days are easier than the up days.
Hi Marion
I am newish to the plan
I dont own the book but all the information you need for the plan is on the website - the book I think is just a lovely extra and explains in more detail
Hope this is the one???

Hi, I am Sooz,
I am 44 and have been trying to lose weight since puberty . I am now within 7 pds of my highest weight at 217.2 and not happy or comfortable with it. I have tired every diet you can think of from Atkins, low carb, cabbage soup, rice diet , low cal, etc... I saw the Johnson diet on this forum and it looks like something I can do, but the question is will it work for me? I have a slow metabolism and taking weight off is next to impossibe but gaining it is like breathing!:sigh::(Right now I am doing a week of the cabbage soup diet and then next Monday the 26th I will start Judding. Wish me luck and any advice is appreciated.
my advice is stop the cabbage soup diet NOW it will destroy your metabolism
in fact years of on off dieting to such extremes has most likely done that already
with the cs diet all you lose is fluid and will put that straight back on when you start Juddd and so be disappointed

start Juddd as soon as you feel able and then give it 4 weeks to see if it works for you
you need to rev up your metabolism before any diet will be able to show what it can do for you

I am on so many meds even my doctor said losing weight will be very difficult for me - if you have a slow metabolism that is not a natural state it is usually due to poor past dieting or medication issues

so put away the cabbage and start Judding as soon as poss

having the cabbage soup on DD would be good as it is very low in cals and on those days you need to be 500 or less
Yes I agree with Aaleigha, don't do the cabbage soup diet, it doesn't work, my mum tried it a few years ago and lost, but it all went on just as quick as like aaleigha said it was fluid. Plus it made here feel really ill!

But yes the cabbage soup would be great for as down day, if you actually like it. Or make some other low cal soup :) Soup is great for down days.

Give juddd a good go, sure it may surprise you ;) Good luck hun x
Oh that is the best decision you have made
welcome to the wonderful world of JUDDD you will love it

but do remember you need to give your body to stabilize on this plan - so promise yourself to give it your very best shot for one month and I am sure you will be very pleased with the results :)
Yes welcome to juddd Sooz and good luck with it. we're all here for you xx

ive decided to restart (im a better frame of mind and only stuck to it one day!) so hi everyone and heres to losing those pounds

h xx
stirky, youve given me the inspiration to try again :)
good luck with your restart
I am sure you will do well
I did two weeks and needed a week off 'to get my head in the right place' so I know how you feel