Just have to vent or I'll explode!


Full Member
Dear boyfriend, I do love you but you are not always kind...

1. Yes, I live in a Middle Class house. Because my mother bought my father out of his half so as not to disturb our lives anymore, and now we all scrimp and save to afford the bills and the morgage. We go cold in the winter. Telling me how "Middle Class" I am is starting to get pretty hurtful.

2. I have very difficult mental health problems. If I tell you that I can't work at the moment the correct response is NOT "of course you could". So yes, I'll be sticking with the dole, seeing as when I suggested getting specialised benefits for people with health issues you were appalled and had the nerve to call me lazy! Functioning as an adult while being off my meds and without any therapy is a full time job!!!

3. I want to do two A-Levels so I can better myself and get out more, and I'll be applying for grants because I would do anything to get off Job Seekers. Don't you dare tell me that I don't deserve one because "they're for people who really need them". That's me! I have a very serious health problem that has already landed me in the hospital twice this year, I need all the help I can get to succeed.

I know I'm not always the perfect girlfriend, and you have been so understanding and caring most of the time... But I still get p***** off!

(Sorry about that everyone :D)
I went through very similar issues to yours about 4 years ago and I have to say ditching the friends who had similar opinions to your boyfriend did me the world of good and helped me get better. They dragged me down to my lowest points and offered no support to help me out of that black hole. People like that destroy the very little hope you have for a better future, the small motivation to better yourself and the miniscule amount of energy you have left to deal with everything else.

You may think that his positive qualities make up for his lack of empathy/knowledge/understanding/appalling attitudes to mental health, but dont compromise on your mental health and well-being, you are worth so much more.

Get rid. Hold your head up high. and constantly remind yourself, I can do this and I can do it alone. or at least with the help of the friends and family who truly care.
Thank you :grouphugg:

I know I shouldn't make excuses for him, but he really is very gentle with me. He's been pretty sheltered, I'm the only mentally unhealthy/unemployed/non hetrosexual person he's ever known! His mother tried to stop him seeing me when she found out. Silly cow, he's 23! I just had to let off my steam so I could tell him off as calmly as possible. ;)
I am sorry but I think you should see the denial you are in and get rid! No one who loves you should make you feel that bad. If that is his opinion now what is he going to be like when you get the grants to better yourself? What happens when you do better yourself and you are doing better than him? Does he want that - perhaps that is the reason for making you feel like crap is so that it keeps you down so he feels better than you? Just some points to think about and I think you should seriously have a re-think about the dynamics of your relationship.

Again I am sorry if I seem blunt but sometimes it helps
My first question would be " what on earth is a "middle class home". What a snob he is. Lower working class, working class etc. what the hell does it matter !!! We are all what we are and no shame in our homes or our backgrounds.

I detest his sort of person and you should too instead of saying what a nice bloke he really is. He is not a nice bloke !!! If he was you wold not have been upset enough to come to us on here to tell us how much he has upset him.

Do you realise how many people on here would be very happy to live in a" middle class" home.

Get real, get rid.

A big hug too you xxx
My favourite advice at the min is to put your best friend in your shoes.... What would you say to her?
Now go do it, and wear steel toe capped boots xxxx
Or, if you prefer the reverse psychology approach - think about what you would tell your worst enemy to do, and then go do the opposite. Either works! ;)