Karens Attempt - Operation Size 12 - Wk 1

Well I am coming to the end of week three, having to have my weigh in a day early tomorrow, stayed 100% and can't believe I have nearly done 3 weeks.... It does get easier and kind of becomes a way of life. People are noticing which to me is a massive morale boost, especially because there are few people that know I'm doing Lipotrim. Do my clothes feel looser..... Hell yes!! And my red mark around my waist that used to feature with most of my jeans has all but faded to normal skin colour again!!! It's amazing what we used to squeeze ourselfs onto!! I would love to hit the 11 stone something tomorrow, it's been a while since I saw the 11s!!! Thanks everyone on this forum, you are all helping me more than you know xxx
Ps Mary, sorry not been on, thanks for my ''Shout out"..... I'm still here just not been able to access the site..... Bless you for noticing xxx
Day early weigh in and another 7 off!! So that's 25lbs in 3 weeks,.... I'm buzzing!! I have feeling next week will be minimal but that's fine. Wahooooooo this diets the best!! Xxx
Hey Caz - my worst day was day 5 so you may have just had the same experience - I think you're over the worst of it though. Hang in there - the results are sooooo worth it. Congrats on your 3rd weigh-in Karen! It really is the best diet for the quick weight loss. I'm due to start refeed either tomorrow or one more week and I'm so nervous! The easy part is almost over - now the responsibility is back on me! But I'm ready for the challenge.
Keep slimming ladies!
well done girl