Keep fit


Full Member
I'm on week 2 and wondered if i can do some keep fit ? will it affect my weight loss?

anyone that can advice would be great :)
I think it depends how you feel. In the first week I found it hard but since then I have been going for a walk every day for an hour. - Take a litre of water with me and drink it. Last night was lovely it was such a nice evening and I am really enjoying it. I think you will still lose weight even if you don't excercise but I want to tone up a bit as well. I'd say go for it but remember to drink more water.
thank you so much I was just not sure what to do ....
hey Im on week 10 and Im only now thinking that perhaps I should introduce exercise into my regime. To be honest I just havent felt like I had alot of energy to do anything else! I suppose you just need to see what suits you.

I know from previous threads they do reckon that if you are going to do exercise in the first couple of weeks that they recommend to start slow, nothing too mad like running a marathon or something, but slowly build the excercise up.
strenueus exercise isnt recommended during the first few weeks but listen to your body and only do what you think you can do not what you want to,walking is great the first couple of weeks and gets you out the house,i cook for my lot then take the dog out,just remember if you are exercising you need to drink more to compensate for the sweating xx

I started exercise in week 2 - but it was something i felt i really wanted to do! If you feel like you want to - then give it a go, and if you feel tired then just stop - I drink 1 litre of water during my fitness class and take more breaks than anyone else!!! I just go at a pace that I feel comfortable with.

I guess it depends how long you have not exercised for - maybe just start off walking - or short cycles. What ever floats your boat.... and for toning... wellllll..... have you ever heard of slendertone? Its the whole rage here on this forum... but thats a whole other thread! ;)

I think its a good idea to get out and do something, even if it is a light walk, after all its a win/win/win situation.

WIN - You are out so less tempted to think about food.
WIN - You are building your fitness (even if it is only light)
WIN - You are helping your body to burn a few extra calories
WIN - You are clearing your head and helping yourself to destress

I think exercise can only be a good thing as long as you feel comfortable, you enjoy it and you dont push yourself too much.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
