Ketosis and Ketostix


Full Member
I started on Tuesday, so I'm only on day 5 now.
I work away so its been hard, no cheating... till yesterday, I had a small sausage in the morning :D
Last night I tried Ketostix, and it was very dark pink, so I was over the moon.
However today, its been light pink (negative)

Does that mean im out of ketosis already? or does your body go in and out of ketosis during the diet?
You dont really fall in and out of ketosis once youre in it to be honest. Not if youre sticking to plan.

Personally Id bin the ketostix theyre known to be very un realiable
I have the tell tail signs...
Usually not hungry, bit of smelly breath..

I think I have realised my mistake.
Ketostix are used for diabeties (spelling??) Im always testing pale pink, the first coloured box on the side of the bottle, which says "NEG" for negative.
I guess since I'm not using it for its sole purpose I can ignore that then?
I had 3L of water yesterday when I tested dark purple, but since then have been the pale shade of pink.

Think I do need to bin them, as they are making me think I'm failing and lead me to have a short bread biscuit with my black coffee today....

Just out of interest.... does anyone ever mix AAM days with TS ?
I made one of the ham wraps off Exante website tonight as I had friends over, and while they are sat here piggin on chinese, I made the wrap.
Was that a bad move?
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Old habbits die hard Starlight... I just cant help it!

The fact that since Tue ive lost 6.6lbs should be enough to keep me motivated..... going to bin them... NOW!
If they are purple then all it means is that you have far too many ketones in your urine and that you aren't drinking enough water(minimum 2 litres per day). The weight loss will slow down until the ketones are flushed away.

The ideal colour is very pale pink. Most people don't get a change on the stix yet continue to lose weight.

This is info from my days of doing hardcore Atkins!

You really don't need to test for ketosis, you just 'know' when you are anyway!