

Silver Member
Not sure if am in ketosis or not, I was on lipotrim for 4 days and when I discovered s&s I switched over straight away so on day 5 now, I havnt been hungry from the beginning, dont hAve a furry tongue or bad breathe yet but do get a dry mouth, does this mean not in ketosis? X
Then again I could have bad breath have spent the past 2 days with my 7 week ok'd so she can't really tell me if I stink lol
I've been doing S&S for 5 and a half weeks and still unsure if I'm in ketosis! I'm hungry, I have bad breath but I've stopped having gum so I feel my breath is bad, there isn't anyone to tell me it is! I'm cold all the time which apparently is a sign. I did buy sticks but they showed the same colour the first day and every other time I tested! Aaaargh, no idea!
I didn't get a furry tongue till quite a few weeks in and also wasn't hungry. Just went with the flow!
I am at the point now where i am very thirsty with ketosis, drunk well over 3l today my mouth is so dry,and straight after you brush your teeth your breath smells worse than the dogs :( lool least i will know instantly if i am knocked out or anything lol i will have a normal mouth :D
Hi all, I am on day 32 and had bad breath for the first week, if that. I bought a tongue scraper from the dentist and my breath is fine now (I think) x
I use listerine. It's not like I'm swallowing it.