Latest weigh-in

Hi Kerry,
12 stone 8lb is a good weight to head toward and then you can go down lower with the slimming class as well, good plan, I think the weekly weigh ins and the accountability to someone outside of ourselves is no bad thing.
Well, my tuppence worth- I really think you should start with gentle exercise now, and by gentle, I mean walking, and continue with TFR for as long as you can. Seriously. A few years ago I was going to be Bridesmaid for my cousin and I 'lost' 2-3 sizes in a few months just by walking 2 miles a day- and I never lost one single pound! So it WILL tone you up with very little effort. If you want to tone your arms too, get a pair of wrist weights (around €10 in argos etc) and do simple arm lifts while walking- I know this works too. Do a little each day (whatever you can manage at this stage, and I promise, as you build up your stamina you'll find yourself with more & more energy to increase your speed or distance- whicever suits your lifestyle better?

Me personally, I couldn't lose anything before LT (and I'd tried EVERYTHING- dietitians, clubs, specialised diets etc. etc.) so LT literally was a life-saver for me. Even my GP agreed. I needed it to get as close to goal as possible, as I knew it wasn't coming off any other way.
I had no choice but to re-assess my target weight when my pharmacist 'made' me re-feed (due to less & less losses & his belief I was cheating!). I'm maintaining a few weeks now, and more or less eating what I want (sensibly of course) so I may go back to tfr on my own in a few weeks to lose the last bit. I can't get it off a pharmacy now as my BMI is too low, but have about 2wks worth from a friend who couldn't hack it.

But this is just my opinion of course...?