Learning to Stop Bad Habits

Freedom Pass

Full Member
Like a lot of overweight people I have always been a fast eater, as a working mother I got into the habit of "eating on the run" The kids left home years ago, but I never unlearned the speed-eating.
Exante has taken the stress and pressure off food, . . . . . . . BUT, I drink the breakfast vanilla and coffee mix, drink the soups from a cup, often eat the bars when working, it's only the porridge that is in a bowl, eaten with a spoon at the table.
Time to learn to eat slowly, quietly and in a well-mannered way.
From today I shall put my soup into a bowl and eat with a soup spoon at the table. I shall put my bar on a plate and eat in small bites with an Earl Grey tea as in Afternoon Tea and use the same manners I tried so hard to teach my children years ago.
I have TIME now, I am self-employed (part time) there is no rush.
When I return to eating I want to eat like a person with no food issues, and enjoy each bite, stop when I've eaten enough with no stress or pressure.
:candledinner:Anyone else feel the same?:candledinner:
I'm the same. I gulp my shake and soups from a shaker bottle and get them down as quickly as I can. I have some lovely Wedgwood china bowls which I think I will drag out from the back of the cupboard and use for soups. I have crystal flutes for champagne which I will use for my shakes. It's all psycological. I'm going to try and pretend I'm at a dinner party every time I have a meal (where practical) to make sure I mind my manners and enjoy what I'm putting into my mouth. Thanks for the great, thought provoking post.
I too speed eat, I am doing the same tactics, soup in a bowl and picking the bits off of the bars lol, I find trying to eat and drink now with no distractions and look at my "food" and savour it so then it makes it feel like I have had more as it takes a long time to finish. Good luck x