Leaving Slimming World as it just hasnt worked for me.

I think it varies between people, some people seem to be able to eat as many as they want and others have said it affects them. I have also heard people say the same about grapes, but grapes don't affect my weight loss. I guess it's trial and error.

Grapes mess with me big time xx
There are so many different variables it is hard to know why. I have have had a good think and I know I have followed the plan faithfully for 80 - 90% of the last four months. I would have expecte some weight loss in that time.

I can only think that my body metabolism reacts in an unhelpful manner on green days. I suspect it is carbs. It maybe bananas and I maybe bread (although I have given up both these recently and that hasn't helped)

My only option is on SW is Red days. I am not looking forward to it as I think they are extremely restrictive for veggies. I was horrified to find out beans and lentils were restricted. But t the end of the day I want results and that just isn't happening with green days.

I am going to try red days. Essentially veggies and proteins of egg, quorn, cheese and yoghurt. At least I get to keep my 2x HEA and HEAB.

And of course my syns which will help.

But my word it's gonna be tough without pasta, potatoes and rice. What about my lovely SW chips? Perhaps one green day a week won't hurt...

Yesterday was really baaaad. But it's over now.

Thanks for all the kind and helpful comments.
Good luck with the red days, but personally if I were you I'd try a week or even two on green or ee 100%. I don't think its fair to say you should loose when being 80 - 90 % on plan, thats not the plan! Yes some people loose when they aren't being 100% but not everyone and you've said you don't have much to loose, when you don't have as much to loose its always a lot harder to get away with not being on plan
I know exactly how you feel ... I was on WW from October till may and lost 9lbs !!

I did SW a few times but just did not understand it, now I'm back, I've found a group that has told me how and what to do in a way that makes sense, I only started on Friday, so I will have to see what the results say this week.

I have found tho over time, some people can Get away with sticking to the diet 90% of the time and still loose, and some can't. Some people can save syns to use at weekend and some can't.

My leader said try it, and if you don't loose then you not its not right for you.

Have you tried exercise at all ?? I have noticed you have not mentioned this at all..

Good luck
Lisa xx
SW works differently for each person. Saving your syns for a weekend may work for a lot of people but MAY NOT WORK FOR YOU. Just like going off plan one or twice a month may work for members BUT NOT FOR YOU.

I'm vegetarian & I love the choice of food but if I have a day off (even having twice my daily syns in one day) it will show on the scales. You can use your syns however you like but SW recommend 10-15 daily. That way by your weigh in you'll be balanced rather than may be weighing in a few days after the weekend where you've used 30syns in one go.

I think you should consider giving it another go & being 100% on plan, no days off & having your syns daily, and see how you get on.

Lots of members lose 1-2lb a week but I'm lucky if I lose that in a month, despite being 100%. But at least I'm losing the weight :)
you can have carbs as a HEXB so you won't loss out but you won't go overboard as well. I really struggle with the carbs but you get used to it after well when the bosy readjusted.
Ophelia105 said:
There are so many different variables it is hard to know why. I have have had a good think and I know I have followed the plan faithfully for 80 - 90% of the last four months. I would have expecte some weight loss in that time.

I can only think that my body metabolism reacts in an unhelpful manner on green days. I suspect it is carbs. It maybe bananas and I maybe bread (although I have given up both these recently and that hasn't helped)

My only option is on SW is Red days. I am not looking forward to it as I think they are extremely restrictive for veggies. I was horrified to find out beans and lentils were restricted. But t the end of the day I want results and that just isn't happening with green days.

I am going to try red days. Essentially veggies and proteins of egg, quorn, cheese and yoghurt. At least I get to keep my 2x HEA and HEAB.

And of course my syns which will help.

But my word it's gonna be tough without pasta, potatoes and rice. What about my lovely SW chips? Perhaps one green day a week won't hurt...

Yesterday was really baaaad. But it's over now.

Thanks for all the kind and helpful comments.

One green day a week should be fine. I don't think it's the green day plan affecting your losses but if you think that it might be then maybe reduce your portion size to the recommended portion size on the packet ( lol I was waiting for a physio appointment this morning..conveniently situated next door to a dieticians..which is where I read this)
Also you can still have pasta on a red day but its HEB of wholemeal pasta.
Good luck with the red days, but personally if I were you I'd try a week or even two on green or ee 100%. I don't think its fair to say you should loose when being 80 - 90 % on plan, thats not the plan! Yes some people loose when they aren't being 100% but not everyone and you've said you don't have much to loose, when you don't have as much to loose its always a lot harder to get away with not being on plan

When listening to people at Body Image, i seem to be the only one there who is 100% all the time, and they regularly lose weight, even our consultant (who is great) goes off the rails more times than an Amtrak train. Some diets just dont work for some people. It does sound like she is working a very restricted diet. Maybe she should do a calorie count of her food diary just to ensure she isnt eating too much or too little. It might be her body has acclimatised itself to very low food intakes. SW diets can sometime be deceptively low in calories especially when you are super good with your syns.

Maybe upping exercise and upping protein and carbs might help.
Lots of members lose 1-2lb a week but I'm lucky if I lose that in a month, despite being 100%. But at least I'm losing the weight :)

But to be fair you are pretty much within a handful of pounds of the normal bmi. If you lost a couple of pounds a week you would be underweight within a few months.
I agree with most of what the others have said, you dont have very much to lose so its not going to be quick or easy, and 90% on plan is still not on plan.

I agree with upping your exercise if possible and also have a look at your actual intake on something like MFP to see whether you are generally still eating quite a lot or alternatively maybe not enough.

Personally my first aim would be upping the superfree and exercising. Maybe your body has reached the level it is most stable at?
Hi there, my suggestion would be to try sticking to 100% on plan green days, but rather than always choosing rice, pasta or potatoes why not try out some of the other free green choices, like quinoa and other grains and pulses. You can make some lovely salads with them or or serve them as a nice curry/tagine/casserole. Be honestly realistic with portion sizes and add plenty of superfree veg and salad to your plate.

I can understand how disheartened you must feel, I don`t lose weight very quickly at all. As others have said if you don`t stick to the plan 100% then you aren`t doing the plan at all - harsh but true.
do not give up there are solutions

WEll, I gave it my best shot.

In the last two weeks I have put on 1kg. This might not seem like much but I have been following SW 90% of the time and my weight is the same as it was when I started in February.

I've researched this forum and others. I've tweaked using peoples suggestions. I have been doing green days as I am veggie so have been having all my healthy extras. I have been having my syns. I have been having 1/3 super free with the majority of my meals.

I have tracked my food. I have measured my healthy extras. I have been careful with what I eat and compared it with other peoples food diaries. I don't believe I m eating too much or too little. Occasionally I have gone off plan but I don't believe I have anymore than other people in this forum who still seem to be losing weight. I have given up bread and watched my water intake.

But none of it has worked. All I wanted to lose is 10kg which would take me back to my goal weight of 59kg which is the top end of my acceptable weight range for my height with a BMI of 24.5. I was this weight this time last year and I want to be this weight agin before my hols in September. Four months and 1lb a week would have been nice. But nothing, nada, zilch, not a chuffing sausage (quorn or otherwise!)

I have really enjoyed being on SW but I can safely say it does not work for me. And I am deeply disappointed by that. Not least because I am now going to have to go back to calorie counting and being hungry but because I have enjoyed the freedom of the plan.

I will come back to SW and use it as a maintenance plan as at least it has been good for that.

In the meantime best wishes to all those who are able to lose weight with slimming world. You are very lucky!

i know exactly how you feel I was there not losing for months and yet I was 100% on extra easy eating 1/3rd of your plate. Even brought a SW plate to ensure I stuck to the rules.

I lost hardly anything! It was only when I examined the amount of CARBS / rice, pasta that I was consuming that I started to think there might be the issue. Even through they said you can eat all you like. I found that portion control on rice, pasta, potato looking at weight watchers recommended portions and adapting it to SW worked. I started to lose weight.

The diet does work but you have to make it work for you.

Rice 90G should be 60G
Pasta 120g max
Pot 100g

If it's between this and chocolate obviously increase it slightly but keep your eye on the portion sizes.

I hope this helps it took a while for the weight to shift it is coming off at 2lb per week now and that's all I did. I would give it one last go for 1 month and if it fails go to Weight Watchers.

ermintrude said:
I agree with most of what the others have said, you dont have very much to lose so its not going to be quick or easy, and 90% on plan is still not on plan.

I agree with upping your exercise if possible and also have a look at your actual intake on something like MFP to see whether you are generally still eating quite a lot or alternatively maybe not enough.

Personally my first aim would be upping the superfree and exercising. Maybe your body has reached the level it is most stable at?

Ermintrude - this is my thought re the stable level. When I was calorie counting I stopped losing weight at 1500 calls and even 1200 didn't help much. According to the weight diagram seen in doctors surgeries etc I am overweight. All I want to do is get back to the top end of my BMI range.

The 'e' word scares me. I used to swim, run and go to the gym. But since I lost my full time well paid job I have neither the time, inclination or money. And I know that's a cop out. At the moment I have 5 part time jobs I am juggling but trying to simplify it. I was made redundant and was unemployed for 9 months. Now I say yes to any work! It serious depletes my energy levels but hopefully things will get easier.

After all money isn't everything.

I think I will have to admit that I am t that stage when extra effort is needed. I will try red days and keep a food diary. In terms of being 100% during the last 4 months I have had 100% weeks but still nothing...

Thanks all!
Im the same re: the e-word :( Not sure what else to suggest really. I think the food diary's a good idea though, get someone else's perspective on things. Also you could try taking pics of what you eat so people get a better idea re: portion sizes, amounts of superfree etc? Good luck x :)