Let myself down.



I've just had my first binge in 7 months. Thought I had gotten over my past binging problems and had been doing so well (have had around 8 meals out/takeaways over the 7 months and have made good choices where I could and where I couldn't I stopped after the meal and didn't go home to "ruin it as I'd ruined it already".)
Feeling crap now, reckon I had around 80 extra syns tonight.
Don't expect any sympathy, just feel better for writing down. I know I need to get back on it and I will do for sure, just disappointed in myself. xx
At least you've stopped now. Don't think about it anymore. Draw a line under it and move on. x x
No, no, you haven't let yourself down! You've just had a blip. What counts now is getting back on track, rather than letting the binge get the better of you. :)
I've had 3 days in a row this week where I binged and could easily have carried on if I hadn't given myself a good talking to and "fessed up" to hubby! Yesterday I managed to stick to it all day, even to the point of not eating an alpen light that I'd allowed for as I wasn't hungry. I'm ridiculously pleased with myself today.

You've had one day off plan with a binge - you're human and it happens. Just draw a line under it and don't let it turn into a bigger binge. The first step is admitting you're gone off plan and that you ned to get back on and you've done that.

You can do it!
glad i read your post and the advice. Its all true! after eating 2 biscuits just now i feel the urge to continue and saying "stuff it" but after reading the comments i am going to stop and take stock and you should too. Lets just continue and have a good day/week and let the past stay in the past.
First blip in SEVEN months? Wahay, girl, how focused are you??? Don't beat yourself up, draw a line under it and carry, you're doing great :)
Well done for being so strong. It is admirable the amount of weight you have lost so far. From time to time we need to go off rail - as they say variety is a spice of life. We need to try different things and if we go off the rails a little bit from time to time then so be it.

I have been on SW for a month and had 1 bad day but I realised it quickly before too much damage was done and got back on track.
I did this week before last. Just like others have said, draw a line under it. Look at how well you've done so far, and get back on track again.

And don't think you've let yourself down.. it's normal, we're all humans :)
Great advice from everyone else. You can do it. Sometimes we all need a meal off and then we can refocus and carry on. Take it as a flexible meal and carry on. Big hug!
A relapse does not need to be a collapse. Most of us have had times like this and what is important is what you do now. Accept that you may not have a big loss this week. Straight back on plan, accept you are human. Look back at what you have achieved and say, hey I am worth it. You are worth it.:bighug:

I've just had my first binge in 7 months. Thought I had gotten over my past binging problems and had been doing so well (have had around 8 meals out/takeaways over the 7 months and have made good choices where I could and where I couldn't I stopped after the meal and didn't go home to "ruin it as I'd ruined it already".)
Feeling crap now, reckon I had around 80 extra syns tonight.
Don't expect any sympathy, just feel better for writing down. I know I need to get back on it and I will do for sure, just disappointed in myself. xx

It happened to me a couple of weeks ago, hubby was out of the country & the kids were stressing me out. I had 4 bad days out of about 7. I was gutted with myself at the time but I've got myself back on track. When I weighed in after a 3 week break I had gained half a lb which shows how bad I must have been as I had been good for the 10 days between the last binge & weigh in.

Anyway just wanted to wish you all the best, you can do it. Don't let yourself slide like I did, I really regret it now.
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Just popping in to say I've done it too - this very weekend.

Sorry if some don't agree but I think we do need a break now and then and by that I don't mean 'often' just when your body needs it thats all.

So I've gone way over syns fri night and instead of being good and lowering syns last night I went over again.

What I have done is loads of Body Magic and I made a huge batch of Superspeed soup (which actually was nicer than the recipe read)

If your still feeling 'down' about it, try to stop beating yourself up and do something positive about it today.

Truly though, like the others have said, we have all done it and 7 months is a looooooooooong time to have not already done it!!!

don't think of it as a failure, think of it as a new starting point, you have done amazingly well and you will continue to do so.

was it a binge where you couldn't stop yourself or a binge where you though I'll just keep going? I think there's a big difference there, as you can see from the previous posts most of us have had at least one eipsode of overeating cos we're enjoying it, don't be so hard on yourself hun xx
Thanks all, I did stop after I posted (felt sick that hasn't stopped me carrying on it the past *shameful*) and got straight back on it Sat morning and managed to lose 1lb this morning. I think it was a combination of * week coming, feeling a bit down and unwell and tired with looking after my little one - just wanted some comfort food.

Thanks all for being so kind - totally focussed again now so think those of you that said it are right - you do need to have some things you crave from time to time (although not in a bingey way). xx
Great comeback!!! You inspire me.
Hi BSL11 -

Just found this thread and want to thank you for starting it as I've just done exactly the same and was beating myself up about it - but reading all the posts on this thread has made me feel tons better and back on plan! xxx
Aah, that's okay. Keep reading posts on here or have an early night/paint your nails/anything to stop you carrying on as it'll make you feel worse.

I haven't had a binge (had treats but not ott out of control stylee) since that night and feel so much better for it.

Be kind to yourself. xxx