Lily's Lyrical Lollop. Destination: Land's End...

Lily said:
:) Thanks Jo and Shanny. :grouphugg:

Well... this no wheat no dairy thing has really surprised me. Sorry to keep going on about it. But I'm stunned...

(1) Because I'm finding it so easy - is that because of Cambridge, I wonder - because in doing Cambridge I learned that if I wanted it to work, I couldn't have anything other than what I was allowed? Or is it just the hypnotic power of Marisa Peer, LOL? :D

(2) That I really am not hungry. Ever. I get to a point of thinking yeah, I could eat something now. And I actually want to eat the food I'm allowed to have. I have no interest in bread, pasta, pizza - all the things I used to crave and love - particularly French stick. It was a joke in our house that I couldn't even pick up a French stick in a supermarket because if I so much as touched it, I had to eat it. But now... nothing. Marisa's made my brain look at it and go, "Cattle feed - you are not a cow, Lily!" - and that's it. Yikes. Who knew I was so susceptible to hypnosis? And yet even the idea of cheese makes me feel queasy.

(3) That I don't mind that I don't want bread anymore. I always thought I wouldn't want to be hypnotised not to want my favourite foods anymore - because where was the fun in that? And yet, I don't mind. I don't want it now and I don't care either. Pass me some ham or chicken and a can of sweetcorn and I'm happy. Now that's truly bizarre... :eek:

(4) That I'm eating fewer than 1500 calories every day (sometimes a lot less) and I don't want to eat more. It doesn't feel like dieting. According to my trusty BMR and activity calculator, if that state of play continues, I could at some point reach 9 stones and still have some calories to spare - which means, incredibly, I might get to that weight and even more incredibly, stay there. That seems too mind-boggling to believe. I've been thinking for a while now that to get to 11 stones would be great (I'd have a BMI of 25 at 10 stones 6lbs).

I can hardly get my head around the idea that this state of affairs is going to continue. But I'm starting to believe that it might... :D

Hey....this sounds totally amazing Lilly. Compare this account with your CD blues a couple of weeks ago....astounding transformation. What is the 'cattle feed' magic about? I want to hear more. This Marissa mate of yours sounds amazing :) xxxx
Yes, you have to stay here Lily!! You're doing so well. I'm really happy that you've found something that suits you so well xx
Hey....this sounds totally amazing Lilly. Compare this account with your CD blues a couple of weeks ago....astounding transformation. What is the 'cattle feed' magic about? I want to hear more. This Marissa mate of yours sounds amazing :) xxxx

LOL, you sure? :D I read the book thinking, 'yeah, right. Maybe she'll say something I can use...'

And bam, it was like she was writing a book just for me. :)

It's Marisa Peer's 'You can be thin'. If you want to see some more, check out her website here: Marisa Peer | Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy

I've also bought her 'Ultimate Confidence' book on audiobook so that I can listen to it on my iPhone in the car (through the connection to my car radio) during my drive to and from work. It's a trip that takes 2 hours out of my life every working day, so it seems a good use of time to me. So far, it seems really good. Uses similar principles about being careful with the words you use about yourself and the way you think about yourself, etc.

I've got a feeling that 2011 might just be my year... :clap:
Heey Lilly yep u must keep your diary over here.. These no need for you to move anywhere else.

How's your day going?
Hi Lily,

You sound well. I think this no wheat, no diary thing is good. Also, I just read how a person can develop Celiac, allergies, lactose intollerance at nay point in their lives. So, maybe your body does not want or need these things.

I just picked up audio CDs for Dr. Phil's The Ultimate Weight Solution. I used to love talk radio or Cdsin the car, when I commuted. I am going to "rip" the CDs to my Itunes account and then upload them to my ipod and listen to them whilst I work.

How are you doing re:Beck and things like planned fitness?

LOL, well Beck - I'd be doing the ARC thing if I needed to. But I haven't really struggled with feeling hungry or emotional overeating for nearly a fortnight now. Yes, I've had a couple of evenings where I may have had a few too many nuts, but nothing that even remotely feels out of control.

I'm listening to Marisa Peer's hypnosis CD - the one that comes with the book - every day, and that seems to be enough. I am enough, LOL (anyone who's read any Marisa will get the joke :)).

I've just eaten some ham and a couple of apples for my lunch and I feel great. Not hungry, not craving carbs - nothing. It still seems too good to be true, but I'm slowly coming to realise that this is how I feel about food right now. Wheat is cattle food, milk is for baby cows (I won't write here what Marisa actually has to say about the stuff), and sugar is a chemical - an addictive one at that.

I'm going out with my sister and my Dad this evening, which in the past has been a real test of my dieting mettle. But I don't actually feel like I'm on a diet (for the first time in what seems like my whole life) so I'm not foreseeing a problem. There will just be stuff on the menu that I don't eat anymore - that I've chosen not to eat. It doesn't feel like a hardship to go without.

Does it sound like I've been brainwashed? Yup. :) Does it actually matter that I've been brainwashed - that's the key question. And the answer? No, I don't believe it does.

Exercise - I'm getting there. I'm doing more walking. I'm actually looking at exercise DVDs and weighing up which ones might be best. I want something fun - and something that won't almost kill me, LOL (given it's been a while since I've done that sort of thing). So I definitely don't think I'm up to the Shred... :D

Any suggestions?
Hi Lily,

I like some of the DVDs the Rosemary Conley has -- and you might be able to get them on Ebay. I also have the wii zumba. And on FitTV there a Core on the Ball programme that is pretty good.

My problem is that unless I am in class (and paying for it) I don't commit. I really need to work on this.

I am glad that you have found a food plan that works for you. I am "back at it" for the most part -- and just need to get back to incorporating the Fitness.

LOL, you sure? :D I read the book thinking, 'yeah, right. Maybe she'll say something I can use...'

And bam, it was like she was writing a book just for me. :)

It's Marisa Peer's 'You can be thin'. If you want to see some more, check out her website here: Marisa Peer | Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy

I've also bought her 'Ultimate Confidence' book on audiobook so that I can listen to it on my iPhone in the car (through the connection to my car radio) during my drive to and from work. It's a trip that takes 2 hours out of my life every working day, so it seems a good use of time to me. So far, it seems really good. Uses similar principles about being careful with the words you use about yourself and the way you think about yourself, etc.

I've got a feeling that 2011 might just be my year... :clap:

Hey, I am feeling that power!! I think something has clicked in your pysche for sure....I am going to get the book for my transit from CD into the world of munching again. As a support for my CD aspirations, what do you eat on an everage day? :vibes::vibes::vibes:
Well... :D

On a week day, I have a banana and some bleached almonds for breakfast (about 10). For lunch, I'll have chicken/ham/salmon/tuna and salad, or even chicken/ham followed by raspberries or strawberries. To start with I had both salad and fruit, but now I find I don't need both. I might have an apple or a pear mid afternoon, again with a few almonds (Marisa recommends having protein with every meal to help with satiation). And then for dinner, well, I've had beef chilli with vegetables, chicken curry with vegetables (coconut milk/cream is allowed :), steak and veg, etc. If I need it, I'll have some more fruit later, but often I don't.

Definition of veg - anything I fancy from sweetcorn to asparagus, LOL. Only thing that's off the menu veg-wise for now is potato, but it's fine to have it occasionally. It's also fine to have beans and lentils.

I don't have pasta or bread, but brown rice is allowed in moderation. I haven't had it though, cos I'm wanting to shed pounds sooner rather than later. Once I get back to a weight I'm happy with, I'll probably go back to having it again.

Weekends - I've been having bacon and scrambled egg for breakfast, fruit and nuts at lunchtime and a meat/poultry-based dish with veg for tea.

It's almost ridiculously easy and I can say, hand on heart, that I don't get hungry. :D
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Thanks Lily, that sounds like the perfect maintainence plan for me and I am going to buy the book when I get closer. I have known for a while that my body cannot deal with starchy just lays them straight on my belly. Watching the videos on the link you posted re-enforced the fact that I am not going mental.

I love protein, veg and toasted seeds and am going to love that plan I feel. Mmmmmmmm.
Oooh I've just noticed that you are doing the Marisa Peer plan (or whatever you call it). I followed that for a while last year and found it so easy while I kept listening to the CD. I can't quite bring myself to give up dairy but I reduced it and ate less processed (and less overall) food almost without effort. Great book - might get that out again and have a read. :)
Yay - Alli! :wavey:

You chickened out of writing a whole paragraph in posts, I see? :D

Good to see what you said about Marisa. :clap: I had a feeling that long term success would depend on listening to that CD... :)

I think I'm probably eating more in the evenings than I should, but I'm eating the right foods (the right ones according to Marisa, anyway).

Today was a bit of an odd day though, cos I was going to take a half day at work so I didn't take any lunch - only to get to work and remember that I'd got a phone conference in the afternoon. Grrr. And then when I finally got home, I needed to pop over to my Dad's house to feed his cat (he's on holiday) then had to go and fetch my new car :)woohoo:). So by the time I ate it was getting on for eight o'clock - a wee bit late, methinks.

I'll probably go and start a diary in the gold members section soon - not today, but soon...
Alli, how come your post count's got stuck at 1334??? :confused:

You've written 5 posts and none of them count? :eek: Is it something to do with them updating the post count on the hour?
Noooo not the Gold section!! I'm nowhere near 1500 :(
Maybe posts don't count when adding to the same thread - or maybe it doesn't count when using the phone app...:(
Maybe posts don't count when adding to the same thread - or maybe it doesn't count when using the phone app...:(

Of course what really happens is that when I post a new message the post counts is updated in the profile and that same profile (i.e. the same number of posts) is visible in all my posts, including old ones. That's why it seems as if the post count isn't increasing when in fact it is :eek::eek::eek:

Hope you've had a good day Lily!