Lily's Lyrical Lollop. Destination: Land's End...

Hi Ladies,

Remove the scales... put them in the boot of your car. This daily weighing is soooo bad for the morale.

I hope you are all hanging in there... I am trying. Planned fitness every other day this week, spontaneous every day and only a couple of minor "food blips". I am pretty sure that I am going to go Sole Source next Monday -- I am tired of the planning, etc. as I have managed to lose 1.5 stone with food (although it took ages) and maintained at 145 (bmi 25) for a couple of months... I just want to get to the finish line. I need to change things up -- it is kind of like getting a drastic haircut or something.

ITA with your decision Mel, it's exactly what I did & has paid off for me! :D
And I keep telling SO to hide the scales but he hasn't!!! :(
Morning Lily I will reply to your PM later on the PC this iPhone is slow at times.
I so so agree about the daily weigh in. I've been fine without them while I've been away. Hope tomorrows weigh in goes well for you. X
Hi Lily,

I hope things are going well fo you today. The sun is out and I have already had my little dog walk. I need to do some spontaneous exercise a la Lily (i.e. clean the freakin' house).

But, I have decided to run errands first, then come home and clean -- as DH is liable to be annoyed if I do not get one of the errands done. I had planned to go visit someone in hospital today, but as graduation is tonight I am iffy on doing this -- too much on one day.

Ah, spontaneous exercise. Need to mow the lawn, but oh damn, it's started raining, what a shame ;)

I'll have to do some of that houseworky exercise this weekend. Bought a carpet washer last weekend and had lots of fun with that (though my left knee is still protesting about the workout it had).

So glad it's Friday - it's been a bit of a tough week head-wise this week. Not sure why, just not my usual chirpy self. I need to get writing again, I think (and no, I don't mean forum posts!).
How odd that you had a tough week, I think there must of been some kind of astrological configuration for messy headness this week. Loads of people seem to have been suffering of it.

I have been reading your diary back from the begining for inspiration today - hope you dont mind. Its an amazing read!!!

Talking of houseworky stuff. I did a heap of it today and I really did break a sweat!! Its miles better than a power walk any day of the week. That said, its the motivation to move that gets me every time (or lack of to be exact). You dont have any wise tid-bits around that do you? Appart from my "just do it" cards everywhere around the house!!!
You know what they say about exercise - that the hardest part is getting started?

I think it's the same with household chores as well. I find if you start with something easy, like unloading the dishwasher for instance, it's a lot easier to keep going. Now, if I told myself that I had to start with cleaning the kitchen floor on my hands and knees, or that I was going to redecorate the hall in a day - I just wouldn't get started. It's like I have to 'trick' myself into doing that first thing - and I said, that first thing needs to be something really easy and straightforward.

Of course, 'Just do it' works as well... But I find it easier to resist that idea than "I'll just do this and see how I feel..." :)
see...I told you there would be a pearl of wisdom in there somewhere. See I am a procrastinator. I should go and do that bloody pilates DVD at the least...Right now. I have no excuse...My dishawasher is emptied and my floor is scubbed. I didnt quite get around to redecorating the hall yet (is it bad to say that its actually been half decorated for 5, yes, 5 years!) see...I told you I am a habitual procrastinator!

Pilates her I come...
I so love catching up with this thread. She says, lounging around in PJs and swigging bouillon like lady muck. Start the housework? I think not, lasses :) xxx have a grrrrrreat day, scrubtastic skimmers xxx
'scrubtastic skimmers' :eek: LOL :D

Why do we call it housework anyway? Since when did the house do any of the work? :)

Well... I resisted the scales for a whole week. I weighed in today and...



I still weigh 14st 1lb. :sigh: Oh well.

I look slimmer, I feel slimmer, everything's firming up. My scales clearly don't know what they're talking about. I suppose I could take heart from the idea that if I was to do CD SS for 3 days, I'd weigh several pounds less by the end of those 3 days thanks to water loss. I'm not comparing like with like.

When I was on Cambridge, in that lovely dehydrated glycogen-depleted state of ketosis, I weighed 14st 4lbs. Whereas now I weight 14st 1lb in a hydrated and semi-glycogen-laden state.

So if I was to compare like with like, I'd weigh 13st 10lbs-ish, right?

Stupid scales... :D
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I've had a tough week head-wise as well - must be something in the air!


I think (please note the 'think') it's the sort of thing that spreads insidiously (I'm in the mood for big words today :D) through the forum.

When there are a lot of upbeat posts and everyone seems to be doing well, it's a lot easier to stay upbeat yourself. But when there's a lot of wagon-falling-offing and 'cheats' and general despair, it's easy to get sucked into feeling a bit 'blah' yourself.

I'm not - definitely not - laying the blame for that at anyone's door. There's no person 'who started it' in my head - hey, it could even have been me, LOL. I'm just saying that I've noticed it can go that way, sometimes. But you're right, it actually does feel a bit as though there's something 'in the air'. Whether it's the weather - hey sun, where are you?:confused: - the time of year, the phase of the moon, the effect of that solar flare a few days ago...

Who knows? :)

Oh Absolutely, I blame the phase of the moon for this one...or Uranus :)
You leave Uranus alone. :D ;)
Oi skimmers......get scrubbing and stop fixating on Uranus
About the mood thing....I agree. We're sort of like a pack of wolves really. Or pigeons. Or would that be a flock? Do pigeons club together? Or are they disparate and solitary. Like bumble bees?

Anyway, yes....the vibe spreads. And maybe our monthly hormones do that freakish synchro thing via the web? Well, oestrogen from the pill is turning boy fish into girls so you never know eh?

And yes, Lily. Your calculations are logical. And you said it yourself look and feel slimmer. Who needs a box of springs and cogs with a dial on them to measure worth eh??

About the mood thing....I agree. We're sort of like a pack of wolves really. Or pigeons. Or would that be a flock? Do pigeons club together? Or are they disparate and solitary. Like bumble bees?

Anyway, yes....the vibe spreads. And maybe our monthly hormones do that freakish synchro thing via the web? Well, oestrogen from the pill is turning boy fish into girls so you never know eh?

And yes, Lily. Your calculations are logical. And you said it yourself look and feel slimmer. Who needs a box of springs and cogs with a dial on them to measure worth eh??


It's a hard habit to break though isn't it? Jumping on the box of springs? It's how everyone seems to measure their self-worth - at least, it is around here. :sigh:
It's a hard habit to break though isn't it? Jumping on the box of springs? It's how everyone seems to measure their self-worth - at least, it is around here. :sigh:

I am the guiltiest of them all....I may as well strap myself to them and affix wheels.

Am a cog addict. And yes, I said 'cog'. Hoo hooooo x
I am the guiltiest of them all....I may as well strap myself to them and affix wheels.

Am a cog addict. And yes, I said 'cog'. Hoo hooooo x

Is that an oral joke? :8855: I didn't get it until I said it aloud... :D