Lipotrim 2009! Lots of New Members - Shall we do an Intro Thead?

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Thanks for the welcome guys :)
I made it through day one! Even if i was dreaming of solid foods, and savoring the smell of chinese coming from the kitchen.
My stomach has started to growl now, sounds like a monster...
Just poured myself a cuppa, while i work on an excel spread sheet to record my progress!
Laura x
Restarting after 3 years

Hi I did lipo 3 yrs ago and lost 21lbs in 5 weeks, :)I WENT ON TO LOOSE AN OTHER 18 LBS THROUGH HEALTHY EATING:p. Ikept this off sucessfully for a few years. Then last autumn I totally lost it and am now 12 stone:cry:, i think my head is now in the right place to restart. I really would love support here as I won't have it around me at work etc.Reading the stories here has really motivated me.:D Iwill log on every day:D:D:D. thanks liv
Hi Everyone!

I'm new to all this but started today and was chuffed to bits to find this forum. Just what I need for support. :) The thought of my holiday in May/June is going to be my inspiration and with 3 stone to lose before target, I'm going to needs lots of it! You all seem to be seeing great results. Well done!
Hi To all my fellow LT 'ers':D:D:D:D:D
Crazyfrog - hope you are having a better day today.
Liv and Catkins - welcome to the site and good luck with your weight loss.

I found myself dreaming of food last night, can't remember what i'd eaten but it was lovely and yes i felt guilty!!! :(:(
At work today i had about four people tell me they could tell i had lost a bit of weight.. -- IN FOUR DAYS!!! I know its mainly water this week but my tummy does seem to look flatter so i'm thrilled water or not!
Keep in touch all
Hi There,
I'm thinking of starting Lipotrim again, in 3ish weeks, i used lipotrim twice before, the 1st time i used it i lost just over 5 stone, getting from 17 stone 2 lbs down to 12 stone. This took me 3 months in the time after finishing college and starting a job. i found losing weight was one thing i thought was holding me back in life so i dedicated 3 months of my life to try to reach this goal. I did this really well and didn't cheat at all till the last couple of weeks having a bag of chips here and sneaking bread there. But overall i did stick to it really well. I tried lipotrim again last year after gaining 1 1/2 stone i lasted on the lipotrim programme for almost 3 weeks but it was much harder to stick to it i cheated alot but i did get back down to 12 stone eventually, then i stopped. i have always wanted to get down to 10' 11" as it is the middle bmi of 23 which i think i could stick at for the rest of my life as once i reach a weight i find i can stay around that weight easily i just find it hard to lose weight. So at this moment in my life i have lost my job and instead of seeing it as an awful moment in my life i'm gonna try to reach my ideal weight. i am giving myself 2 months to lose just under 2 stone, this should be very achievable as i am a man and i am meant to lose 1 / 1 1/2 stone a month.
The 2nd time i tried this i was in work and as most of you know people can be just distrustful of the lipotrim diet, i was hard to explain why i wasn't eating and it just made it all the harder when some day i just wanted to wait out the hard day under my Duvet. Lipotrim has basically saved my life, not just medically but socially also. Since i did it i have a partner now before it i never had the confidence to approach anyone, it really has changed who i am and for the most part i have kept the weight off for 2 years, which goes against alot of the things the haters say about this diet.

I do know the only thing that got me through the 1st diet was a supportive community like this. I so happy to find a place like this. I am starting in 3 weeks when i can see 2 months of free time ahead without events requiring me to eat i know i will need that from past experience. i hope you won't mind me popping up here in a couple of weeks and sharing my day to day, if not minute by minute dramas going through this process.

I wish you all the best luck in all your own lipotrim experiences.

Welcome back on board CyberCelt! Best of luck with re-starting and reaching your goal! This site has been a life line to me, everyone is so lovely and supportive!! Hope it helps you too! :)
Welcome CC - nice to have you on board!!:):)
Just wanted to share my weight loss with you all as I got weighed today a day early and i have lost 8lb so i am really chuffed!!:D:D:D
I am probably going to keep my weigh day as thursday as its easier.
Had a peanut flapjack today which i thought was really hard going. :( May/May not try it again!!
good luck again to you all
Hi everyone

Thanks Nicki 2009 - I think I am back on track - was very grumpy and was gonna give it up but hubbie said he could tell I had lost weight after only three days so it spurred me on (he also said it makes no difference to him if im grumpy as he's used to it)

Hi Cibercelt - sorry you lost your job - not a very nice sign of the times at the moment - it's like the reverse of the lottery - everyday i think to myself it could be me but not in a good way.

I know what you mean about the work thing - I told my work colleagues that I am on lipotrim - some think it's good but others just think im on some kind of drugs.

Anyway am back on track (am cheating only ever so sligtly as have been hiding prawns in fridge and whenever get overwhelming urge to eat just have a prawn - not a good idea if youre not a fish lover and not recomended but its got me through the last two days and its better than the penguin bar that I was sneaking the day before.

Keep it up and good luck all
Welcome Liv, Catkinz & Cyber. Hope you'll find this useful it is a good forum and I'm gutted I haven't had chance to log in for a while.

Niki - don't beat yourself up, you may not lose as much but as long as you are drinking water and a prawn which is just protein won't make too much difference. You should still lose as you're going from a high calorie diet to very low calorie so if you eat less than you use, you lose weight.

C_Frog WOW congratulations that it fabulistic, bet you can tell.

Well as for me...I'm struggling I'm just missing the sensation of eating and can't feel the weight dropping off. I made the mistake of getting on the scales which told me I'd put on weight which is ridiculous...I have stuck to this diet 100% so I can't put on weight. Will wait for weigh in day instead. If I only lose a few pounds then may have to resort to 2 shakes and a tiny meal because I am struggling. Hopefully is just because I'm tired but I can't face another week with nothing to eat...I'll speak to the chemist and see if I can get the refeed and just do it with 2 shakes and a teeny meal each day.

:cry: having a bad day though
it possibly was just water weight or if its your time of the month that might not have helped. im sure you will have lost weight just make sure your drinking alot of water :). x
I have just started LT (day 1 today) and glad to have found this forum - may spur me on in a moment of weakness!
I've been avaoiding the scales for months so had a rude awakening at the chemist yesterday - looking forward to weigh-in next week!!
Any tips will be gratefully received! x


Hi all and hi bit bot (hope you're feeling better) - i went to the chemist today for my weigh in - i lost 4 1lbs but to be fair ive eaten food every few days as I keep falling of the wagon - I told the chemist that i can only seem to manage 2 days without a meal and she was suprised i had lost anything so im quite pleased even though im not in ketosis - Im starting over though - just because i weakened yesterday doesnt mean it will happen tomorrow - and just because i had a small relapse doesnt mean its ruined and I cant do it - im just getting back on the bike and keep retrying till i get there. Good luck everyone


Hi, my name is Lena and I found this place today, and it feels like home :D I am 48 and have arthritis, so suffer a lot with all the weight I have on me. I have tried all the diets on the face of the earth :ashamed0005: and have always fallen by the wayside. I am going through menopause so the struggle is even more difficult. This morning I woke up and decided that I had enough of walking around with all this extra weight, so got my husband up and we both went to the chemist in Southampton and both got our LT shakes. Thank God he agreed with me and is
standing by his woman :happy096:

I seriously need encouragement from all sides, and I can see that this will be an awesome forum to be with to get all the encouragement I need. I will also let you know how he gets along with his weight loss.

I look after my 3 year old granddaughter twice a week and that will be quite a challenge, as I have to feed her, and she loves her sweets and chocolates :gimi:

Oh well I hope this week will go well! Being my first week I am sure I will have a struggle, but will get there in the end.

Any case time for bed now, time goes forward tonight so have to catch up on some sleep so I don't notice the hour we are going to loose :missing:

day 3...over

Hi, I am just finished day 3. I can definitely feel the weight going already, drinking loads of water and splitting one choc shake over the course of the day. Have to admit serious cravings for food I took for granted last week. Looks like Ill be sticking to the choc shake, couldnt take to the 'chicken soup' at all. Have no energy to go the gym this week either and I hope this passes, dont want to be too reliant on LT, still a bit sceptical of keeping the weight off.Have to say I find this tougher than going to gym.Can t argue with the results though. Cant imagine how some of you have kept up the programme for months
Welcome lenafrog & sully2009, this is a great forum for encouragement. least you lost some and like you say you are climbing back on the bike. I kinda had to fall off the wagon on sat night...I went out and ended up staying out longer than I thought I had refused food but was starting to feel really sick and faint and with a journey back I couldn't cope. I made myself an omlette with mushrooms and absoultely no oil...ordinarily I'd be chuffed just eating that but I keep feeling really bad and gutted I gave in. Back on shakes today and if 1 omlette put weight on then I'm doomed anyway. I think I'm going to get the refeed plan and then at least if I am ever in the same situation again I can do the right think and eat what I'm supposed to. Well weigh in tomorrow, not hoping for much but we'll see.

I guess its the best place but is anyone else finding they are not going to the toilet...I am drinking 4-5litres a day. I'm talking about v.bad constipation.
Hi All

Bitbot thats great - I thought you were giving up but a lapse is fine - I bet you still loose - omelette has no carbs so hopefully you will be OK.

The toilet is also an issue for me - the chemist said would give me fibregel but they had run out so have to wait till next week.

Im writing of my first week as a trial run - didnt quite stick to it but now I know what to expect so im sure my second week will be better - ive come to the conclusion that im going to hibernate for the next few weeks to help me with the routine - I cant wait to get to the refeed though so im making more of an effort this week so I can get there quicker

Hi Lena and Sully - well done on your progress so far and also cant abide the chicken soup

See you all soon

Crazyfrog you can see by the results the omlette must have had an effect but one bloomin've got to be kidding! I could have done that on a salad diet. After posting on the forum that I was going to give up I have been motivated and jeered up by the great people. So although I had quorn and 2tbsps of green veg last night...part of day 1 refeed I'm going to get back on the wagon. So just had my lunchtime shake.

Have to say though not sure what the weekend will bring as in-laws are down and although I'll get away with the lunch and dinner thing, I'm not sure sitting at the dinner table nursing a shake will work and not eating. I know people are honest but I really mean it when I say they will not understand and I'll just get so much ear ache.

If only I had a free weekend I would know I could do it. but either way it will be no alcohol only water and if I really have to eat then I will make sure that it is quorn and a teeny bit of green veg.

So how is everyone else getting on?
OMG - Didnt notice about the pound - i cant believe eating just one omelette meant you only lost 1 pound - that's unfair - maybe you will loose more next week - thats why i went straight back on it after my lapse - As i didnt refeed i thought if i dont do it properly it's all a wast of time so ive decided to give it 2 full weeks as a minimum - stick to it by the book and then if im not getting on with it im going to ask the chemist to put me on maintenance and start eating again gradually rather than the boom or bust mentality that I have at the moment.

I know what you mean about having guests though - my hubby wants friends round for a chinese and ive said not in the next 2 weeks - they will think im very odd if they are drinking wine and eating chinese and I sit there with a shake - he seemed upset but I said I need two weeks to shift some weight otherwise im going to have to buy all new clothes as ive grown out of my old ones (v depressing.)

Glad youve got your motivation back and hope everyone else getting on OK.

Hi there everybody :D

I collected my Lipotrim stuff from the pharmacy this evening and im starting on it tomorrow, im feeling quite excited which i know is very sad considering im going to be depriving myself of food for the foreseeable future :eek:

Anyway i will probably be here seeking advice and support, its nice to hear all your stories, hints and tips. Wish me luck, i think im going to need it, lol. :D
Good Luck

Good luck flirty gerty - ive actually been on for a week and three days now but kept lapsing last week so started again monday - 3 full days now and no problems whatsoever - very excited and everytime I want to give in I think about a smaller me for the summer.

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