Long term success diet chef / go lower

Chubby mummy

New Member
Hi guys I'm new here. I've been looking into diet chef or go lower and was wondering if anyone had an experience of long term success on either of these?
All the reviews I have seen (ESP for go lower) are all thrilled they have lost 5 lb in the first or second week etc. I can't find anyone saying they lost a lot of weight or more importantly , lost it a long time ago and kept it off.
Anyone any experience of good success with either of these?
Cheers for any help xxx
Hi Chubby mummy. I have been doing Go Lower since the beginning of March and have lost 2 stone so far (and that's with a week away from the diet for holidays). I first read about Go Lower in the paper in an article where they were comparing lots of different diets and this one really appealed to me. They send you the food and you just add the prescribed amount of fruit, veg and dairy each day. It's really easy to do and the principle of the diet is to get your body into ketosis so that you are having to draw on your fat reserves because your intake of carbs and sugar are so restricted. And ketosis also means you don't feel hungry at all. The science is sound and it does definitely work. It is expensive, that's the only thing, but for me, that just added more incentive for me to stick with it. I have lost steadily over the weeks and intend to continue with a low carb diet once my food supplies are finished. That's the other good thing about this, once you're near the end of your food deliveries, they give you loads of advice on doing it all yourself with recipe ideas etc so it is possible to do it indefinitely so that you become completely independent from the Go Lower food. But you can stay a member of Go Lower for life and the on-line forum is really helpful - lots of women in the same shoes as me which I've found very supportive. One of my pals on the Go Lower forum has lost 6.5 stone in a year and she is continuing until she loses 9 stone in total. So, if you can afford to do it, then go for it - otherwise the basic secret of a low carb diet is to restrict your carbs by not eating any bread, potatoes and other root veg, pasta, rice, pastry, cake etc., to eat plain meat and fish and to restrict your veg intake to about 180-200g per day as veg is full of carbs, too! I have 2 tablespoons of full fat Greek Total yoghurt plus 100g of blueberries for brekkie. You can have any berries but no other fruit. And salad-wise no tomatoes and no red pepper as they are too sweet but as much llean meat, chicken, tuna, eggs as you can stuff in. That's why you don't get hungry 'cos you're eating so much protein. Hope it works for you.