Looking for a buddy for slimming world. Started 2 days ago!!

Well done Cookie and Tasha and good luck to everyone else this week, I've got my weigh in tomorrow. Aqua the pork kababs were lovely will def have them again. Don't know how I've got on this week don't feel like I've lost weight but well see. Got another few things on again this week, get together for a 60th birthday party Friday morning and a 30th birthday party Friday night oh all the naughty food and drink. Becky I think the roses are a lovely idea x
Hi everyone. Becky flowers for the garden sound a lovely idea :). Shame I'm not on commission for that Asia cookbook - I think you all have one now lol. Great recipes :). Glad everyone is enjoying their classes. Mine is really friendly and get lots of ideas from the other members. Someone said last week re pizza bases made with half a large pot cottage cheese, 3 eggs and a pkt of cheese instant smash - not sure if it was Becky or Lexi who made pizza and can't scroll whilst typing? Did you use same recipe/method - I know instant mash was involved. Must try them sometime.

Trying to be less stressed at work by making sure I get my lunch break and not eat and work, and leave on time, car sharing now too so that will make me more disciplined with that I hope. Tia Maria and diet coke treat tonight I think :) all syned of course
Hi everyone. Becky flowers for the garden sound a lovely idea :). Shame I'm not on commission for that Asia cookbook - I think you all have one now lol. Great recipes :). Glad everyone is enjoying their classes. Mine is really friendly and get lots of ideas from the other members. Someone said last week re pizza bases made with half a large pot cottage cheese, 3 eggs and a pkt of cheese instant smash - not sure if it was Becky or Lexi who made pizza and can't scroll whilst typing? Did you use same recipe/method - I know instant mash was involved. Must try them sometime.

Trying to be less stressed at work by making sure I get my lunch break and not eat and work, and leave on time, car sharing now too so that will make me more disciplined with that I hope. Tia Maria and diet coke treat tonight I think :) all syned of course

Hi everyone hope your all well. Beckyboo the garden sounds like a lovely idea and a nice place to have as a memorial for your dad. Aqua I do hope you start to de-stress at work. In regards to the smash, I read on another diary that you can make syn free scones from it too which could be good in a stew or to have with soup maybe?
Anyway I've been out for tea tonight with another girl friend and ended up ordering the same meal I had with the other girls last week, grilled salmon, mash & salad no dressing it was nice but very small so I've had a yogurt & an Oreo now I've come home. I don't mind choosing the healthy dieters option but I just wish they were a bit bigger.
Lexibell you've got a real test with your do's coming up I don't envy you at all, how are you going to tackle it?
Geordie, glad your first meeting went well
Tasha, excellent weightless result you go girl! Xx
Hi all, weigh in today and lost a lb so pleased with that. Cookie I'm just going to make sure that the rest of the time I stay on plan, it should be ok with the extra workouts. I won't drink on Friday morning as driving also going to the gym first. I am also going to be busy next week emptying my kitchen cupboards so lots of body magic. Just a quick line tonight as a busy night.
Well headed up to group and it wasn't on. Didn't get notice that it was cancelled so bit peeved at that. So walking past shop in way home went in and bought a twirl. Within syn limit for today. Well done Lexi on the pound weight loss. Have completed day 3 of 30 day shred and all going good. It's tough but good and I'm really sweating at the end of it. Interested in the scones and pizza base. Must check the recipes. I made a risotto today and it was lovely. Risotto rice, shallots, garlic, prawns, frozen veg, chicken stock and Philadelphia light. 2 syns per portion. Have friends visiting for the weekend and they'll be having slimming world recipes all weekend. Cooked breakfasts, and either options between risotto, Thai green curry or sweet and sour chicken. Lunches will be salads. Tried Thai green curry with light coconut milk but it was too watery so probably will use full fat and just syn it.
Oo that's odd that the group wouldn't be on. Usually they're covered by colleagues - maybe there was an emergency and no one could cover. Annoying when you're all psyched up for class and to weigh. Sounds like you've got some nice recipes planned for visitors. I'm going to cook the Indonesian curry from the Asian cookbook next week with light coconut milk so will let you know how that one tuns out. Hang in there as you've been doing fab x. That risotto sounds scrummy by the way :)
Well done lexi that's another one off! Made the Singapore noodles out of the Asian cookbook, fab. Didn't put as much of some of the veg it said else it wouldn't have fit in the pan! Really tasty, I am determined to cook more. Think I have been in the same cooking rut for years. This is what i need a whole new way of cooking. Hope everyone is having a good day, treating myself to a Bailey's coffee at 5.5 syns!
Hi all, weigh in today and lost a lb so pleased with that. Cookie I'm just going to make sure that the rest of the time I stay on plan, it should be ok with the extra workouts. I won't drink on Friday morning as driving also going to the gym first. I am also going to be busy next week emptying my kitchen cupboards so lots of body magic. Just a quick line tonight as a busy night.

Well done Lexibell on your loss this week, I like your plan to deal with your celebrations I dreaded going to Blackpool last weekend but I was ok in the end so I know you'll still do really well.
Bally, I like the sound of your risotto and your SW meals for your guests I wonder if they'll even realise?
Aqua did you get your lunch break away from your desk today? X
And how did you eat the kiwi?!
Hi Cookie - Made sure I got a lunch break on Tues and Weds I work til 1.30 - do 35.5 hours a week but my commute is about an hour each way in heavy traffic. Trying to be. More disciplined re the breaks. Weigh in tonight - will report back later. Curry in the slow cooker using skinned chicken thighs, onions, tin tomatoes, red pepper and Schwartz slow cooker curry mix (5 syns/ pkt) stir in spinach later - method o. Pkt - it's yum yum. Have a good day all :)
Hi , I have only been doing it for real for a few days.

I would love to compare notes with you and see how we get on

I want to lose at least 3 stone

I go to a spin class but work has taken over a bit so am cutting back a bit so I can get back into it.

Speak again soon

Faye Cheshire
Aqua good luck with weigh in!! Geordie what recipe do you use for your chilli? I used one but it was very watery and I'm not sure why. Faye, welcome to some online support. As you can see we support each other and give advice. Welcome to the new you. I'm feeling great since starting sw and sometimes I look in the mirror and wish the weight would shift faster. My aim is a holiday in September which was my long term aim but now I've an even longer term aim that in a years time, I'm still sticking to sw and doing exercise at least 2-3times a week. Hoping to find a class to go to tonight as my class last night was cancelled.
Hi BMG! It's not a S W chilli recipe just one I have used for years and it never fails in the slow cooker. I prepare it the night before and bung it on low on a morning and leave it all day.

About 400g extra lean steak mince
1 chopped onion
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 tin kidney beans
Packet of Schwartz hot chilli mix (or just chilli mix depend on taste)
1/4 of the empty tomato tin filled with cold water

Brown the mince and onion and drain. Rinse the tinned kidney beans under cold water. Put all the ingredients in the slow cooker dish and mix. I allow to cool put in the fridge then put in the slow cooker next morning. It's never the same if you prepare it on the day. The only syns I reckon is the packet mix at 5 syns for the whole thing, the mince I don't syn.
Evening Ladies :)

Thanks again for all your support, haven't cried now for 3 days and feeling really good actually. Went to class this morning and lost 1.5lb so Im really happy with that as I didnt even do a food diary this week after being so busy with everything. :)

Just about to make SW chilli :) and as Im back to work tomorrow (woohooo) Im going to make an extra portion and have that for lunch tomorrow with some fruit :).

Well done everyone, your all doing amazingly. Looks like I may have to invest in the taste of asia cook book, it sounds fantastic.

I also started my distance learning Diploma course yesterday which seems alot of work already, so hoping that doesnt make me turn to comfort food, other than going to Newcastle for funeral im going to be really strict with myself this week and try and lose a little bit more!!

Need to get motivated again to do some more exercise. Sounds like the 30 day shred is going well BMG :) I will definitely be doing that regularly once Ive got the funeral over and done with.

Good luck for all your weigh ins everyone :)
