Lost the plot - BIG TIME

Not started CD yet so feel free to disregard my comments but here goes: I too plateau badly around a certain weight and think 'oh well, I look okay I'll just eat something'. That takes me off the diet and it just spirals from there.

The time(s) I've stuck at it and broke through my plateau, it was amazing. Because you're *lighter* than you've ever been before you feel like a new person and get new motivation from that.

You WILL get there, just keep on chipping away, keep moving forward. Good luck, remember you're *almost* there.

It doesn't matter that you haven't started CD - you make very valid and helpful comments. Thankyou :)

Now, I just need to get my head in the right place ;)

I just want to tell you that i was terrified of moving up the plans and as soon as I did (my cdc insisted on it) the weight started coming off again. Your body is telling you it's time to move up. There's no shame in it. You've done well so far, move up now I'd suggest to 810. It's absolutly fantastic and you still lose loads of weight and feel in control. You're in a dark place right now but you will get through it. Call your cdc and ask about moving up xxx