Low carb menu planning


This is for life
Nice article Katie.

I find planning my meals a week in advance an absolute lifesaver on this diet. I plan around the meat so this week I had a two pack of flat iron steak - add eggs and that's my main meal for Tues and weds sorted. Then a large roast chicken which will do me for two meals today and one meal tomorrow. Then pork belly on Saturday which will do me for two meals. If I get fed up of meat I can have a big meal of cauli cheese or courgette noodles and have a vegetarian day in my plan.

Etc etc. then I can fill up any gaps with simple smaller meals like omelette or flax porridge or salami and cheese. These smaller meals often get swapped around depending what I fancy on the day, but I still plan them early then just swap them for something with similar values. It means I don't get taken by surprise by having accidentally eaten two meals with my daily carb allowance in.