Low Gi Diet blasted off today!


New Member
Hello, I'm a newbie to the forum and to the Low Gi diet everyone else seems to be slimming world or ww so I hope I can find some fellow plan peeps.

Today I ate:

Wholemeal toast and peanut butter!
A banana
Lunch was a tuna and red bean salad on toast.
Tea was a steak with a rocket salad and strawberries with fat free vanilla yogurt
A glass of red wine and a handful of almonds.

Feel really alert as I also had 2 litres of water throughout the day.

I had a walk up a bloody big hill with my dog and didn't cheat by letting him pull me up it! Also did two sessions on the exercise bike and 20 leg extensions.

I got the diet from a book in a charity shop and read it and felt encouraged to lose the weight and to keep it off which I struggled with at SW having been a target member. With this plan you have 12 weeks of eating the low GI then a stabilization phase of 6 weeks, a bit like the Dukan but hopefully without eating nothing but meat and mustard for a week, (yes I've failed at that one too.)

Truth is I'm 32 years old:p 14stone and I have 3 little boys who I'm too fat and knackered to play with and thats just pants so here goes nothing!!!!!
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Welcome aboard! Low GI diets are pretty good because they keep you feeling full most of the time, and they’re pretty balanced by comparison to other plans. More importantly, they’re easier to convert to a lifestyle choice, which is what you really want. I think you’re onto a winner, m’dear!

I’m not on any particular plan, but rather I’m changing lifestyle habits for the better. Low GI ideas half the time, and verging on vegetarianism. XD

Anyway, good luck! There are a plethora of people on here on any number of different plans, so I’m sure there’ll be more than a few on low GI out there to help you.