LT starts tomorrow - yikes!!


Full Member
Ad to wait over a week to get my LT appointment. Well it has finally come around as I go at 10 am in the morning. Initially I was super excited to get started but the nerves are staring to set in now wondering if I will miss food too much etc. Any last minute advice would be greatly appreciated x
You'll be just great, don't fret. Get your water chilled, chill some coffee for in with the vanilla shake and mint tea for the chocolate to add a bit of variety. Mint tea is wonderful when you want a hot drink. I'm at the end of my 2nd week and can now watch ads on tv without wanting to eat everything they show, but for the first week that was a huge issue, so maybe just watch BBC, haha!

The best tip I can give you is stay on here. Keep reading all the posts as they really will inspire you and knowing you're not the only one feeling that way will also help. I don't think I would have got through the first week without this forum, it really is invaluable and will boost you when you're low.

Good luck and look upon this as the solution, it's a positive step, see just the positives and forget the down points :)

Seriously, keep on here!! This place is my bible at the moment as there is so much support and everyone is in the same boat pretty much!! I was lucky as when I wen't to the chemist just to see about it and book an appointment, she put me straight on it so the next day I started, there was no chance for me to feel nervous etc.

I think if you want it that bad, you can do it. Good Luck!! :D
My best advice is to go to bed early in the first week of your diet. I went to sleep yesterday at 9.30. I usually don't go down until after midnight but I can't bear the thought of staying awake and thinking of food. And you will constantly be thinking of food and weighing yourself all the time in the first week.

My 2nd piece of advice is Download Farm Story or Restaurant Story on the iPhone or android. And adding heaps of Nbrs so you can tend to their farm etc. if you don't have that type of phone use the Facebook farm instead. It honestly keeps your mind off of food and can speed up time and it can be quite addictive.

If that's not for you then go on iBooks or the kindle. Amazon also have a kindle app to. There is loads of free books and really cheap books to. Some are great reads. Especially those that are a quid or so.

Lastly when you feel low come on here. Nobody will laugh or call you fat on here since we are all in the same boat. The way I see it. If others can do it so can you and me. Also keep a diary on here. There is a thread for that it will keep you determined to go and stick with it so you can record your weight loss and highs and lows. Set yourself goals. There is even a monthly challenge on here. My goal is to lose 6lb in the first week which is more than achievable since lots of people lose more than that the first week. I hope this has helped and good luck on your journey. I hope to hear more from you over the coming weeks.
Thank you so much, I'm feeling more positive about it now. Just downloaded some iBooks and I'm good to go! x
Not sure if this is for everyone either, but when I am feeling hungry or thinking about food, I take myself out for a walk. I am lucky because I live in the Countryside and can appreciate things now that I never did before!!
Also, paint your nails, do the ironing (ZZzzzz), cleaning, hovering or even do some puzzles in a mag/book!

Good luck!! :D
Chilled water is definitely a massive help for the shakes, and as everyone says this forum keeps me sane. Just reading how others are doing on LT is invaluable.

You sound really determined already Keilaani, especially having to wait a week to start! Reminding myself why I'm doing this keeps me strong through the cravings and then they pass anyway! Determination wins!!

Good luck for today xx
Thanks honeys. Just been to my first appointment. I'm armed with the shakes and a mahoosive desire to get thin!!! Bring it on!