Lulu's Weight loss Journey


Full Member
This is the start of my weight loss diary.

I started at 16.4 stone. (the biggest i have been ever) This is the final straw I cant take being this big any more! I feel so alien in my own skin and it makes me feel ill.

So the first week and I have lost 2lbs. Not as good as I wanted it to be, but I dont have a lot of money so I am having to do it at home. I am also very low on food, I think I mainly survived on pasta, but its still a loss and I am now 2lbs lighter!

Ill attach a photo taken a few weeks ago so you can see what I look like and I will be able to look back at this and see the difference! (Im with my Partner Jonathan.

Nice pic of you both. Looks like Jonathan loves you whatever.....................
Well done on the loss, that's one step forward. Good luck with your goals:)
Well it's week 5 and I am a happy girly. I know I put on 2lbs this week but I'm still reeling from my 11lb weight loss the week before .. I know the body has to restore balance after a big loss and it's not unheard of to put a little on the week after.

9lbs in 2 weeks is fantastic which brings my weightloss to 1st 1lb which I think is great for me in 5 weeks of readjusting myself to eating healthily again.

I'm finding work really tiring at the moment so I am finding it difficult to do exercise. Maybe I'll get myself into gear tomorrow and do some more zumba. I miss being off work, i ended doing so much exercise which I think really helped me lose 11lbs but I have to sit at a desk all day. If anyone has any ideas for good exercises while at work please let me know.

Well signing off for now

Take care

Lulu xxx
Hey Lulu!

Subscribing :)

Work was always a killer for me... Sitting at a desk, itchy scratchy eyes come 5 o clock. F-that! go home and stick on a series and vegetate with my doggies :p

I started getting up earlier in the mornings. Which is killer, considering I'm a night owl zzzz
But I joined a gym, so I got up a couple hours earlier. Went to the gym, and by the time I am going off to work, my eyes feel like they are going to pop out I'm that awake.
Some days at the start I did feel like a zombie, but I got into a rhythm!

So yeah, getting up earlier really helped me.. Despite the pain of getting out of bed at ridiculous o clock! Which I'll never get used to!

If you have a stairs in work take the stairs instead of the lift?
If you get a bus to your job, get off a couple of stops earlier (provided the weather is alright?)

Hi hun, yeah I always use the stairs at work, and I walk to work everyday as its only ten minutes up the road. I find it very difficult to go to the gym mainly due to money but because I have a little boy and it really doesnt work timescales wise. Though maybe getting up earlier to go on my exercise bike might be an idea because then I suppose I get it over and done with lol plus being half asleep might make me forget I'm doing exercise all together hahaha

After star week is finished - being on the implant star weeks wipe me out completely - then I might do the morning thing.

Thanks so much for the suggestion lemai I had never thought of it

Lots of love

Lulu xxx