maintenance with 5:2

Had my 68kcals caramel latte for breakfast, 51kcal ww soup for lunch, chicken salad for tea 253kcals and still to have my hot choc 40kcals and popcorn at 78kcals. Add a green tea, and 3 x strawberry extra gum pellets sees me finish on 497. First fast of the week done :) xxx

Carrie your day sounds lush. What brand is the Caramel latte ? and the popcorn ? I am determined to start the slate clean this week and restart my 5:2 I have slipped a bit.

It's nescafe, I got it from pound land! And the sweet n salty popcorn is Metcalfes, 4 for £1! Also pound land lol! Savvy shopper! ;) xxx
I hate mornings lol! Didn't have the best sleep last night, some things going on at work, which puts some pressure on me... In fact loads... Couldn't stop thinking about it before I nodded off so ended up having horrible dreams :/ really not looking forward to work :( I feel like I'm in the middle of **** and am having to sink or swim.. I know it'll be fine in a few days once I've got my routine going but it's awful at this moment in time...
Oh Carrie that sucks - is there anyone you can talk to about it? Sorry to hear you're so stressed. Xx
Aww hope work is ok...

Try not to worry chick because worrying doesn't change anything, it just wears you out. Keep your chin up and forge ur way through the ****. U are Super Carrie, you can achieve anything. Remember that.

Big hugs x
It's literally a case of doing the best I can till I e sorted it, to how I understand it... I don't even know if any the work I done yesterday is correct? The way I understand it, it is... But I'm pooping my pants. Next week will be easier as ill know where I've went wrong this week it's just with no one to tell me how it's to be done and no guide, it's doing the best I can with what I've got... But it's gonna be a difficult few weeks :(
It's literally a case of doing the best I can till I e sorted it, to how I understand it... I don't even know if any the work I done yesterday is correct? The way I understand it, it is... But I'm pooping my pants. Next week will be easier as ill know where I've went wrong this week it's just with no one to tell me how it's to be done and no guide, it's doing the best I can with what I've got... But it's gonna be a difficult few weeks :(

What do you do Carrie? Sounds to me like they are letting you down by not providing you with any direction and guidance. What a horrible situation for you xx
You can't do any more than ur best and if there's no guidance then you've got nothing to worry about. Best is all you can do. No one can slate you if there were no guidelines...

know that feeling if dread from my previous job. Not nice feeling :( good luck x
What do you do Carrie? Sounds to me like they are letting you down by not providing you with any direction and guidance. What a horrible situation for you xx

I dispense medication for care homes but have been changed to the self medicators... Not a very different role, but it's a completely different set up! Manager did say she appreciates what I've been left with and to do the best I can... Feel a bit better but still a **** day lol xxx
You can't do any more than ur best and if there's no guidance then you've got nothing to worry about. Best is all you can do. No one can slate you if there were no guidelines...

know that feeling if dread from my previous job. Not nice feeling :( good luck x

Today's over with it all again tomorrow... :( but I physically and mentally cannot work any harder than I am, and I'm lucky manager respects that. :) xxx
On just over 1000kcals so far, had my bran flakes, banana and almond milk for breakfast, a skinny latte, chicken pepper and spinach panini with half a lemon tart from costa for lunch, and have had a ww chilli con carne ( lazy ) for tea... Will have a magnum after my hula, done fast n furious, abs and thighs ( day 13 ) and 17 mins left of hula. Xxx
Carrie sounds like a great day so far. Thank you for the updates re the latte etc. I will be popping to pound land asap ;) I'm sorry you are having a crappy time at work at the moment , hopefully things will calm down soon. My job is my biggest diet down fall , I console myself in food and I really need to stop.

Your pannini lunch sounds lovely.

Thanks crazy fool, I do think its a lifestyle choice and can move days to suit us. Ill 4:3 till 8.10 then 6:1 or 5:2 if I have an indulgent night planned to maintain again. I can't wait till I'm maintaining again... Lol xxx
Thanks! Today was an improvement too! :) feeling better! Xxx
Caramel latte for breakfast, 68kcals, ww chicken soup, salt popcorn and a large black Americano from costa for lunch 111kcals, planning slim noodles, tinned tomatoes, quorn and mozzarella for tea with a hot choc and caramel rice cake for after... Will see me finish on 484kcals! Successful fast! Yay! Doing hula now, done f & f this morning and day 14 abs n thighs. Love that I'm back to fitness! Xxx