maintenance with 5:2

Thanks so much ladies. Weigh in shows a 2lb loss taking me to 9.5. Happy with that :) xxx
Brilliant! That's a great a loss! Well done. It's fantastic that you now now exactly how much exercise and calories you need to lose a couple of pounds and also the level you need to maintain. You are living your life and maintaining without ever having to do a vlcd ever again. I am so very very pleased for you and hope many of us can follow suit because you are proof we all have it within us to to this. X
Brilliant! That's a great a loss! Well done. It's fantastic that you now now exactly how much exercise and calories you need to lose a couple of pounds and also the level you need to maintain. You are living your life and maintaining without ever having to do a vlcd ever again. I am so very very pleased for you and hope many of us can follow suit because you are proof we all have it within us to to this. X

Thanks kira, love feeling back in control! Its definitely Achievable for us all, we just have to remain conscious of what we are eating. Mfp is such an amazing tool not only for weight loss but for maintenance. If we see a gain we can look back to see where we went wrong. Xxx

316kcal breakfast 1x whole meal toast, 20g sunpat smooth peanut butter and 1 small banana then 100g pineapple and the obligatory black coffee! Yum yum! Xxx



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346kcal lunch xxx



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Just purchased this ted baker dress for my friends wedding off eBay! Love it!!! Xxx

It's probably my most expensive eBay purchase lol! But have had a lot of bargains! Xxx
ended up a bottomless pit today, but tracked everything... Easter egg, plus mccoys and peanut butter, Chinese, cider and a magnum! Brought me in at a disgusting 3393 kcals. So ashamed, snacks were just under 1500 and tea was over 1200 but it's very few and far between I go so off kilter. I wasn't hungry but just felt the need for strong tasting foods.... Totm arrived within the last half hour too so that explains a lot! Aiming for around 800kcals tomorrow to balance it out... Night night xxx
You've perfected how to deal with a day of excess calories and will have less tomorrow. It's the likes of me who still after all these years can't do that (yet) and just carry on eating more! I will strive to follow in your footsteps is the mantra I have going on in my head! Mind you I think I'd find doing the same amount of exercise a real struggle without my PT kicking my butt!
Do you think you'll need to count calories from now on to maintain? I must admit, the thought of counting calories for the rest of my life is kind of depressing!
I gain weight so easily, I'm always going to have to be mindful to some respect, the two weeks I couldn't exercise my average cals were around 200-2200 per day when worked out over the week and I gained. Everytime I've hit goal before I've ended up regaining everything and more. For me it's a choice, of course there's somedays if we're out for a meal I don't know the exact cals but I just choose healthy low cal options through the day so I can indulge a bit at my meal and I do choose wisely. It's about balance and I hand in heart can honestly say I find it easier knowing what I'm putting in my body than guessing. I know it can be depressing and another year or even months I might say otherwise but I'm only 5 months into maintenance ( 5 months tomorrow) which is the longest in my 21 years of dieting I've ever kept within my weight range. It does say it can take 1yr for the hormone levels or something to balance out after weight loss to maintain but I do know I wouldn't be maintaining if I wasn't counting. Mfp is my saviour. And it's a small price to pay for me to feel happy and in control, I don't want to fear any type of food but I do wang to know the cals so I can decide if its worth it? I don't know if it makes sense but I'd love to say maintenance is easy, it's not. It's easier now than it was but it's because I know what cals I need to maintain weekly. I can only maintain with counting at this moment in time. Xxx
Carrie that makes absolute sense and that is where I went wrong back in early March when I was hovering 9st mark under and over now and again. I lost my momentum of really being mindful and then when I had to stop by PT sessions die to injury it the extra calories did show and then everything spiralled out of control (because I let it). So yes it seems that maintenance is in one respect harder than just sticking religiously to a set plan because then restraint/will power requested is even harder it seems.
Carrie that makes absolute sense and that is where I went wrong back in early March when I was hovering 9st mark under and over now and again. I lost my momentum of really being mindful and then when I had to stop by PT sessions die to injury it the extra calories did show and then everything spiralled out of control (because I let it). So yes it seems that maintenance is in one respect harder than just sticking religiously to a set plan because then restraint/will power requested is even harder it seems.

I do hope in the future I won't need to count but just now I do and I also know as we age out bmr reduces so what we can eat now to maintain we won't in the future. It's about being realistic in all aspects. I know I can't eat the same as thin friends and maintain, I'm always gonna have to eat less or exercise more. And I'm happy with that xxx