May 2016 Challenge

Amazing result for week one guys! Amazing!!

@SarahMP that is INCREDIBLE!! Well done you

Good luck with week two guys - how did you get on @fraggle1805 @Kev* @Ro1sin @M Louise H @Determinedchick22 @tangerine12

@Snufkin do you have results for last week or you starting from this week? xxx
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-9lbs first week for me

Amazing well done! And we'll done to everyone else.

I am 1lb on this week. Hoping it's all period related and will show better next week. I did have a night well above syns on Saturday but for the week I was very much on plan. Gotta love that monthly Frenemy :mad::D
I'm poorly sick! I hate colds, especially the rough ones where you get all achey. Only been back at work for 3 days and now off with sick! Oh well, guaranteed not to lose this week, I won't be having any pt and what with all the medicine. I will weigh thurs and let you know though @Sazmajig
1 lb off for me today :)
But I am away for 3 days from Friday for a long weekend. I will be supergood tomorrow and Friday and again back on plan Monday and Tuesday. Hope I can do some damage limitation :cool::rolleyes:

Have a great week everybody :D
B. x
1 lb off for me today :)
But I am away for 3 days from Friday for a long weekend. I will be supergood tomorrow and Friday and again back on plan Monday and Tuesday. Hope I can do some damage limitation :cool::rolleyes:

Have a great week everybody :D
B. x

Well done :) enjoy your time away!!!

@Sazmajig Sorry for not updating, been burying my head in the sand as well as the biscuit tin, must have ben my star week, 3 lb on for me :(:mad:
A 1lb loss for me again this week. Not sure if I can make my target at this rate. Maybe an SP week might give me a boost.

Don't give up just yet, you really wanted that loss and can still do it with 3 weigh ins! I won't let you give up just yer!!! Have you got your plan for this week ahead?

@Sazmajig Sorry for not updating, been burying my head in the sand as well as the biscuit tin, must have ben my star week, 3 lb on for me :(:mad:

We all have those weeks! But remember there is NO shame in a gain, and if you get straight back on it from today you will get the results you want. Have you got your plan for the week ahead?
Didn't get chance to weigh in last night as was feeling very poorly and took to my bed very early. Will call it a maintain but i honestly have no idea how I'm doing. On plan till i go away on Saturday so forgive me next week as I'm off on a boozy hen weekend!! haha

Guys, you are doing so so great. Im loving the chart already, keep it up!

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@tangerine12 @fraggle1805 @M Louise H @Determinedchick22 how did you get on last week?

@Aston @kazbang @Bikingirl @cherrybobs @Holidaygirl10 @jenniecakes @Leedsvgn @sarahandmolly How did you do this week?
